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Prayer/Guided Reflections

3-Minute Retreat: We Are on a Mission

As we start the month of September and look forward to Catechetical Sunday and a new year of faith formation, I’ll be sharing my reflections on several 3-Minute Retreats the next few weeks. Please add your own reflections on this retreat in the comments. Now before another busy week begins, take a quiet moment to pray for your ministry and for your fellow catechists. Relationships have a way of changing us. Perhaps that’s why we […]

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Special Needs: Adaptive Kits for First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Now CONFIRMATION!

One of the challenges we face in catechesis is reaching out to those with special needs to help them encounter Christ in a meaningful way. Loyola Press is proud to be contributing resources to this effort, namely, the Adaptive Kits for First Eucharist and Reconciliation. Now we have proudly added a kit for Confirmation! The Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit was designed to help individuals with autism and other special needs enter fully into the faith experience, […]

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Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist

Webinar Recording is READY! Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist

I’m happy to report that the recording from my Webinar – Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist – IS NOW READY! Click on the link below and you’ll be taken to the recording which you can view after providing a little information. Recording of Free Webinar – Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist Likewise, here is a form you can use to submit to your catechetical leader or diocesan catechetical office if you are seeking credit for viewing the […]

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Being a Catechist

The “Poor Man’s” Laminator

One tool that I encourage every catechist to invest a couple of bucks in is a 2 inch roll of clear shipping/packaging tape. I call it the “poor man’s” laminator and I use it constantly to “laminate” things for my sessions in order to extend their life. For example, this year, I have decided that for my closing prayer for each session, we will pray the Confiteor (“I confess to Almighty God…”) from the Penitential […]

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Being a Catechist

Name One Quality of An Effective Teacher

During our Webinar, Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist, I asked participants to think of the best teacher they ever had and then invited them to type in one word or phrase that describes a quality or skill they had that made them so effective. Here’s what people had to say: Most Effective Teacher Traits What quality or skill are you asking the Holy Spirit to gift you with as a catechist this year?

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Being a Catechist

Connect with Catholic Faith Formation

As we gear up for the new year of faith formation, here’s another great way to connect with fellow catechists—even those far from your parish home! The Catholic Faith Formation Facebook page from Loyola Press brings the conversation to Facebook, that popular social media channel. Ask questions of each other and find links to resources from around the Web. For monthly planning ideas and catechist development articles, subscribe to the Catholic Faith Formation e-newsletter. This […]

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Rest in Peace, Victor Valdez: Master Catechist, Faithful Servant, Good Friend

I just learned that a friend of mine passed away last month, July 17, 2013, to be exact. I met Victor Valdez when I was doing a speaking engagement in San Francisco in 2008. Victor suffered from recurring brain tumors his entire life yet he dedicated himself tirelessly to the catechetical ministry. On that visit in 2008, he gave up an entire evening to show me around San Francisco since it was my first trip […]

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The Ignatian Key to Opening Doors of Faith – or – Going Contagious with Ignatius!

The theme for Catechetical Sunday (September 15, 2013) this year is…     It just so happens that St. Ignatius of Loyola holds the key to unlock and open the “Door of Faith!” St. Ignatius taught that the most effective way to persuade someone to your way of thinking is to “enter through their door but be sure to leave through your door.” What he means by this is that we need to make a connection between […]

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Comings & Goings

On the Border: A Day in Laredo, TX!

I spent an absolutely wonderful day with about 230 catechists and catechetical leaders in Laredo, Texas, just a mile or so from the U.S./Mexico border. I was privileged to provide a day of formation for these good folks who came with so much spirit and enthusiasm…they were quite inspiring. One catechist in attendance has 46 years of catechizing under her belt! And there she is at a catechist’s workshop! Amazing people. Thanks to everyone for […]

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Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist

Thanks for Participating in My Webinar!

Thanks so much to all of you who participated in last evening’s Webinar: Forming a 3-Dimensional Catechist! You were incredibly interactive and I have so much material to share over the next few days from ideas and thoughts and questions you submitted throughout the Webinar. Poor Nick could barely keep up with all of the input that was flooding in (but, of course, he did a stellar job!). In case you missed it, the recording […]