receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday - image © Loyola Press. All rights reserved.

"What’s That on Your Forehead?"—Helping Kids Explain Ash Wednesday

A catechist e-mailed me with the following question about helping children to be able to explain why they are wearing ashes on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday: Do you have anything in print or an article you know of for kids to help explain why they wear ashes on their forehead on Ash Wednesday to their classmates at the public schools? I know the reasons and such but from an elementary child’s perspective would help. […]

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Comings & Goings

There Are Catechists in Canada!

Of course there are catechists in Canada! It just so happens that I had the privilege of meeting with a number of them over the last few days in Vancouver, British Columbia! I was presenting at the Catholic Educator’s Conference of the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese. After I unpack my bags, I’ll tell you more about it!

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Leading Guided Reflections (Meditations)

Catechists often ask me where they can get their hands on guided reflections (meditations) for children, especially after I have introduced them to one of the guided reflections included in the Finding God program that we use at the parish where I’m a catechist. If they are not using the Finding God program, they are wondering where they can get some guided reflections. Good news! Loyola Press has now made a number of guided reflections […]

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Stations of the Cross

Another Living Stations of the Cross Script

I have another Living Stations of the Cross script to share with you. This one is from the parish where I serve as a catechist – Most Holy Redeemer, Evergreen Park, IL. The script comes to us from the DRE, Arlene, who does a wonderful job of pulling this together every Lent. living-stations-arlene-a Have a great weekend!

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Stations of the Cross

Living Stations of the Cross – Scripts

I’ve put out a request for scripts/outlines for the Living Stations of the Cross for Lent and so far have received 3 samples. Thanks! I’m only passing along 2 of them at the moment, as the third was not really a living stations. Remember, if you have a script or outline for the Living Stations of the Cross, please attach it (as a Word file or PDF) to an email and send it to me […]

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Lent FAQ with Joe Paprocki – A Short Video

With Ash Wednesday being only two weeks from tomorrow, I thought that now would be a good time to offer you a brief video titled Lent FAQ with Joe Paprocki. It includes some simple answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the Lenten season. Why do we have a season of Lent? Why is Lent 40 days? Why do we start Lent by wearing ashes? Why do we practice prayer, fasting, and giving […]

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Comings & Goings

Catechists and the Bible – A Saturday Morning in the Joliet Diocese

I spent this past Saturday morning with about 100 catechists in the Diocese of Joliet (south and west of the Archdiocese of Chicago) focusing on the topic of catechists and the Bible. I was honored to “share the bill” with Bishop Peter Sartain and to meet and speak with so many catechists from so many parishes. After a beautiful morning prayer, I was introduced and spoke about 5 ways to “dramatically increase your students’ Bible […]

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Quote of the Week

“We are entering a period of new vitality for the Church, a period in which adult Catholic laity will play a pivotal leadership role in fulfilling the Christian mission of evangelizing and transforming society. For adults to fulfill their role in this new era of the Church, their faith formation must be lifelong, just as they must continue to learn to keep up in the changing world.” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral […]

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Lent is Just Around the Corner – Living Stations, Anyone?

Lent is just around the corner (Ash Wednesday is February 25, 2009) and catechists are looking for lenten ideas and activities to mark the season. I have 2 very special plans for this blog: First, I am collecting scripts for the Living Stations of the Cross to make available to you through my blog. Many parishes involve their young people in the Living Stations of the Cross and write their own scripts that they develop […]

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"I Became, Kicking and Screaming, a Catechist"

The above quote is from the blog of author Robert Hutchinson. I love his January 26, 2009, post about becoming a catechist. He really captures the feeling that many catechist have when thrust in front of a group of kids. Enjoy his account! I have to say, it