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Joys and Frustrations

In Recognition of Catechists

Tonight I have the privilege of attending the Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry. The banquet is a wonderful way for parishes to show their appreciation to catechists, especially those who have served with longevity. In addition to several archdiocesan-wide awards, each parish is invited to recognize catechists (who meet archdiocesan criteria) as a Parish Recipient of the award. Usually, Cardinal George is present although […]

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Mary and the Saints

May – The Month of Mary

I remember with great fondness the May Crownings of my childhood…nothing said “spring is here” more powerfully than a good May Crowning. Are May Crownings passe? Hopefully not. As catechists, a May Crowning is a good opportunity for us to help those we teach understand that Catholics do not worship Mary but rather honor her. May Crownings may be considered out of date by some but, with the proper catechesis, they can continue to be […]

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Joys and Frustrations

A Festival of Sacraments

I like to think of the 50 days of Easter as a “festival of sacraments.” We are still celebrating the Inititation of the newly baptized from the Easter Vigil. Infant baptisms abound. First Communions are being celebrated everywhere. Spring weddings are taking place. Confirmations are happening. Ordinations are being celebrated. What a wonderful time of the year – of the Church year – the Easter season is, when we encounter the Risen Christ in so […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Reflecting on the Year

Many of us catechists are either finished or close to wrapping up the “year” in religious education. This is a good time to reflect on this past year, asking the Lord to help us learn and grow from the experience. Here is a reflection you may want to use to review your past year. (I’ve written it in such a way that it is best read aloud by an individual who is leading others in […]

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Why Do I Have to Go to Confession?

At some point in the life of every catechist, someone will ask, “Why do I have to go to confession to a priest? Why can’t I just talk to God in my heart and ask him for forgiveness?” Well, a new phenomenon is begging this question. I read that “confession websites” are becoming all the rage…places where people can anonymously post their sins (and, of course, read about the sins of others). The hope is […]

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What's In a Catechist's Toolbox?

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I have a new book being published by Loyola Press titled The Catechist’s Toolbox: How to Thrive As a Religious Education Teacher. Here is the table of contents so that you can see what I personally feel belongs in each catechist’s toolbox: Shop-talk: The Language Of Catechesis Blueprints – Planning and Preparation Socket and Wrench Set – Finding Activities That Fit Color Charts – Selecting Learning Activities Different […]

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Jesus the Good Cowboy

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. The image of the Good Shepherd is often depicted in stained-glass windows and on holy cards, showing Jesus in spotless white robes holding a lamb. Nice image but not at all realistic. Shepherds are the equivalent of cowboys in the Old West. They are rough and gritty, working under often difficult conditions to tend to cattle. I offer this image, not to dismiss the Good Shepherd image, but to re-visit […]

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Catholic VBS

In recent years, many catechists are finding themselves involved in teaching over the summer in “Vacation Bible School,” once a phenomenon found fairly exclusively in Protestant circles. Several Catholic versions of VBS exist and other creative DREs have found ways to adapt Protestant VBS to Catholic settings. I’ve not been involved in VBS although I think its a great idea. The parish where I serve as a catechist has run a very successful VBS for […]

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My New Book: The Catechist's Toolbox

I’m so excited to have a new book being published exclusively for catechists!!! It’s called THE CATECHIST’S TOOLBOX: HOW TO THRIVE AS A RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER (Loyola Press). The book provides skills, tips, and advice that catechists can use right now to become a more effective catechist. The book will actually be available in June but I know that Loyola Press has order forms available at the NCCL Conference in Columbus, Ohio (April 22-26) for […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Jesus' "First" Words

A lot of attention is often given to peoples’ last words. In the Christian tradition, we focus on the 7 last words of Christ. During this Easter season, I think it is crucial that we pay attention to the Risen Christ’s “first” words – following the Resurrection. “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” These words are so important for us to hear, especially in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre. What this world needs is peace […]