Encontrando a Dios - Finding God Grados 1-6
Leading a Parish Program

Bilingual Faith Formation with Enhanced Multimedia: Encontrando a Dios

I’ve shared previously about the enhanced media that is integral to the newest edition of Finding God Grades 1–6—the outstanding Loyola Press faith formation curriculum that is imbued with Ignatian spirituality. I’ve also shared about the same in Finding God Grades 7–8. Now, I am excited to announce that enhanced multimedia is available for families with two languages: English and Spanish! The newest edition of Encontrando a Dios/Finding God Grades 1–6 invites everyone to recognize God’s presence through the […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Marks of the Church

When advertising, businesses will often boast about specific qualities that they possess as a way of distinguishing themselves from their competition. Thus, it is common to see words such as the following splashed all over their ads: bold, innovative, trustworthy, original, authentic, cutting-edge, high-quality, and user-friendly. In a similar way, the Catholic Church uses four words to describe its distinguishing features: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. In this episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we explore these […]

Preparing Hearts and Minds giveaway in honor of Catechist's Journey anniversary

Our 15th Anniversary Giveaway: Preparing Hearts and Minds

Thank you to everyone who played along in our online scavenger hunt last month, celebrating the 15th anniversary of the launch of Catechist’s Journey and publication of The Catechist’s Toolbox. Our celebration continues today with the chance to win a copy of Preparing Hearts and Minds: 9 Simple Ways for Catechists to Cultivate a Living Faith. In Preparing Hearts and Minds, I revisit how the early Church introduced people to Jesus Christ, identifying nine strategies […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki

Pop-Up Catechesis: Wearing Ashes

Ash Wednesday is right around the corner, and it is one of the most public expressions of Catholicism that takes place throughout the year. Catholics are easily spotted on Ash Wednesday, and it’s always interesting to watch TV and spot newscasters, reporters, politicians, and celebrities sporting ashes on their foreheads. This public display of faith can put us on the spot, however, as others may ask us to explain ourselves. In this episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, […]

Braving the Thin Places Lenten Read-Along - text and image of Julianne Stanz and her book

Allowing Lent to Transform Our Perspective on the Experience of the Pandemic

For the last two years, I’ve heard many people say that they didn’t need or want to observe Lent because we’ve already been forced to give up so much. Believe me, I get it! Unfortunately, this is a misrepresentation of the true spirit of Lent. Sure, we have been taught to give up things for Lent. However, that is only one minor aspect of an entire season of renewal and enrichment that can truly transform […]

crying child - Fertnig/iStock/Getty Images
Catechetical Issues & Topics

The Three Rs of Our Salvation Narrative: #3 Reassurance

The New Evangelization seeks to simplify—without making simplistic—the central message of the Gospel so that it is accessible to all. With that in mind, I have summarized the gist of our salvation narrative in three words: rescue, restoration, and reassurance. This is the heart of the kerygma—the primary proclamation of the Gospel. Through the life, teachings, miracles, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, we are rescued, restored, and reassured. Let’s visit the last of the Three Rs, reassurance. […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Tenth Commandment and Avoiding Comparisons

From the time we are toddlers right up to the present day, it is common for us to compare ourselves to others. I know that this past Christmas, my wife and I were happy to have our grandchildren open their Christmas presents on separate days so that they wouldn’t compare their gifts to their cousins’. We may think that this is only a problem that children have; however, there is a reason we have the […]

young man working on restoration of windows
Catechetical Issues & Topics

The Three Rs of Our Salvation Narrative: #2 Restoration

In an effort to make the central message of the Gospel (the kerygma) more accessible to all, I have summarized the gist of our salvation narrative in three words: rescue, restoration, and reassurance. This is the heart of the kerygma—the primary proclamation of the Gospel. Through the life, teachings, miracles, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, we are rescued, restored, and reassured. Let’s visit the second of the Three Rs, restoration. I like to say […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Ninth Commandment and Misplaced Desires

Something does not need to be lost in order to be classified as “misplaced.” We typically think of those two words as synonymous; however, there is a difference. If something is lost, it means that we are having trouble locating it. If something is misplaced, it simply means it is in the wrong place such as a, misplaced comma in a sentence (such as the one I inserted in this sentence). It is with this […]