Catechetical Formation Series by Loyola Press
Being a Catechist

Making Catechist Formation a Priority (And Accessible!)

The new Directory for Catechesis once again (as did the previous General Directory for Catechesis) emphasizes the importance and priority of catechist formation. I’m a firm believer in the saying, “You can’t give what you don’t have.” Through catechist formation, we deepen our own relationship with Jesus Christ so that we, in turn, can invite others into relationship with him. One of the difficulties that catechists often face when it comes to catechist formation is […]

Overview of the New Directory for Catechesis - text on blue and yellow background
Being a Catechist

Overview of the New Directory for Catechesis

This is part one of a four-part series on the new Directory for Catechesis. Anyone who has read Pope Francis’s 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, will be familiar with many of the themes in the new Directory for Catechesis. Let’s begin our exploration of the 2020 Directory for Catechesis with an overview. What is the new Directory for Catechesis? The new Directory for Catechesis was publicly released on June 25, 2020, against the backdrop of […]

Catechetical Sunday
Being a Catechist

Catechetical Sunday 2020: Commissioning Our COVID-Era Catechists

This year, like any other year, we celebrate Catechetical Sunday on the third Sunday of September. This year, however, is unlike any other year as we will be commissioning catechists to teach during the COVID-19 pandemic and to cope with all of the complexities that go with it. Some will be teaching in person, others will be teaching remotely, some will be doing a mix of both, and others may be assisting parents in teaching […]

woman planning at computer
Technology in Catechesis

Tips for Catechists Doing Faith Formation Remotely (Video)

As a catechist, it’s possible you’re being asked to teach faith formation lessons online this fall due to the ongoing pandemic or as a new approach to doing faith formation in your parish or diocese. Either way, if you’re new to this concept of facilitating remote lessons, I am pleased to share the following free video with you. It offers some basic tips to get you started proclaiming the Good News of Jesus in the […]

New Directory for Catechesis Event with Joe Paprocki and Julianne Stanz (photos of the two presenters)
Being a Catechist

Register Now for a Presentation by Julianne Stanz and Joe Paprocki on the New Directory for Catechesis

The new Directory for Catechesis is here, and it’s time to unpack the wealth of information and inspiration this document offers to all of us in the catechetical ministry. I’d like to help with that and can think of no better catechetical expert to join me than Julianne Stanz, author, speaker, and Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, WI. Please join us for this exciting experience: How the New Directory for […]

New Directory for Catechesis Event with Joe Paprocki and Julianne Stanz (photos of the two presenters)
Being a Catechist

The New Directory for Catechesis: How It Will Change the Way We Think About, Talk About, and Go About Doing Catechesis

When it comes to catechesis, we not only pay attention to what we are proclaiming (so that it is faithful), but also how we are proclaiming (so that it is effective). When it comes to what we are proclaiming, the Church has gifted us with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. When it comes to how we are to proclaim the Good News most effectively, the Church has gifted us with the Directory for Catechesis. The […]

Wanderlight Catholic video game
Technology in Catechesis

Finding God in the Digital World: Introducing Wanderlight!

St. Ignatius taught that a life of faith leads us to find God in all things, whether it be nature, experiences, relationships, or even technology. It is no surprise, then, that Ignatius did not hesitate to use cutting-edge technology—the printing press—to proclaim the Gospel to the world in the 16th century. In that same spirit, Loyola Press is proud and excited to introduce Wanderlight: A Pilgrim’s Adventure™ —an immersive digital game to help young people learn […]

computer screen illustration
Adult Faith Formation

Facilitating a Small Group Online: St. Andrew Parish in Chicago

For years, it seemed as though faith formation at the parish level tended to lag behind the rest of the world when it came to taking advantage of technology. That all changed with the pandemic, didn’t it? Suddenly, we realized that, if we wanted to reach people, we would have to enter the online world. One successful example could be found just a few blocks away from Loyola Press at St. Andrew Parish, where Pastoral Associate and Director […]

computer screen illustration
Junior High

Connecting with Middle Schoolers on Zoom

In the past few months, I learned that middle-school students know what is going on in the world and are deeply affected by it. I learned that they understand the power of prayer, especially in interceding for others. I learned that they turn to God when they are scared. I learned that they love their families intensely. How did I learn this? I learned it during our weekly Zoom calls, during which I offered them […]

Connecting Generations Choice Board - great companion to "Sharing the Wisdom of Time" book
Family Catechesis

Connecting Generations Choice Board

Encourage connections between generations with our new choice board that invites children to learn about and develop deeper relationships with their elders. Give children choices by asking them to select and complete a set number of activities from the board: three-in-a-row, any four, or whatever number you choose. Activities include options for children to interview their grandparents, write a song, make a chart, and more. Celebrate a loved elder’s birthday, honor Grandparents Day, or mix […]