Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 3: A Respect for Human Life

This is the third article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. We teach children to love and serve others, but do we ever explain why? Service is not just something nice to do; it is an important piece of our Catholic identity. We believe that every human life is sacred, because each person is created and loved by God. Therefore we are […]

Stories on the Journey: Well, That Didn’t Go as Planned

We’re continuing to share stories from our experiences as catechists. This week’s topic is, “Well, That Didn’t Go as Planned.” Let’s hear your stories about a time when your lesson plan didn’t quite work out as you planned and what you learned from the experience. Share your story here on Catechist’s Journey by typing in the comments section at the end of this post. Keep your story brief; one or two paragraphs is fine. Return each day […]

Stories on the Journey: How Did I Get into This?

We’re spending time this summer sharing stories from our experiences as catechists. Today’s topic is, “How Did I Get into This?” Let’s hear your stories about how you came to serve as a catechist or catechetical leader. No two stories are the same, and I’m always amazed at how the Holy Spirit uses so many different techniques to call people into this ministry. Some feel pulled, others feel pushed, while still others feel as though […]

Stories on the Journey: Kids (and Adults) Say and Do the Darndest Things

Catechists are some of the best storytellers in the world, and we don’t have to travel far to find good stories to share. So many of them happen right under our noses and involve those we teach. With that in mind, I thought we’d spend some time this summer sharing stories from our own experiences as catechists. This week’s topic is, “Kids (and Adults) Say and Do the Darndest Things!” Let’s hear about those unforgettable moments […]

Focus on Those with Disabilities: U.S. Bishops Speak

At the most recent plenary meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Orlando, FL, the bishops approved the drafting of a new pastoral statement to address the role of persons with disabilities in the life of the Church. The U.S. bishops’ last pastoral statement on persons with disabilities was published in 1978, so this is a great opportunity to refocus attention on our brothers and sisters with disabilities and to incorporate current language […]

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 2: A Commitment to Community

This is the second article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. Children often see “church” as a pretty building to which they go to pray. They often are unaware that the Church is first and foremost a community of people. Jesus told us, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). Together, we […]

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 1: A Sense of Sacramentality

The purpose of our catechesis is not simply to teach facts about the Catholic faith, but to pass on the Catholic faith. It is not enough for our children to know about Catholicism or go through the motions of being Catholic without identifying themselves as Catholic. Our identity is the orientation of our lives, our sense of who we are and our place in the world. If we want our children to fall in love […]

A Message of Encouragement

Julianne Stanz shares a message of encouragement and thanks for those who minister in Catholic parishes. She says, “Never doubt that you have been called by God to minister at this time in the life of the world. He called you, because he knows that the world needs you and your gifts. Jesus is with you in everything that you do.” Stanz is the author of Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the […]

Grow as a Catechist This Summer with Accessible, Practical, and Affordable Formation

With summer almost upon us, it is a good time to think about what we can do as catechists to find enrichment and renewal that will help us to deepen our faith. Summer is also a great time for new catechists to prepare for this exciting venture! Too often, catechist formation is either impractical (doesn’t speak to actual needs), inaccessible (difficult to attend or to fit into one’s calendar), or expensive (costs too much). In […]

What Eucharistic Hymns Teach

Lead an activity about Eucharistic hymns to reach young people who are musically inclined, tapping into their musical/rhythmic intelligence. This activity is great for the National Eucharistic Revival or a sacraments review session for older children. Catechists may choose to make this an ongoing activity by recording findings on a chart throughout the year. Extend young people’s learning about Jesus as the Bread of Life by leading a Bible study with Six Weeks with the […]

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