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The Six Tasks of Catechesis #4: Teaching to Pray

Recently, we began a series here on my blog about the six tasks of catechesis, focusing on the notion that God is calling each of us to fulfill a role that he has planned for us. Just as actors rely on certain strategies to immerse themselves in character, we too rely on certain strategies to “immerse” ourselves in the role that God is calling us to fill: the “best version of ourselves” (to borrow a phrase from […]

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Being a Catechist

The Six Tasks of Catechesis #3: Promoting Moral Formation

Recently, we began a series here on my blog about the six tasks of catechesis, focusing on the notion that God is calling each of us to fulfill a role that he has planned for us. Just as actors rely on certain strategies to immerse themselves in character, we too rely on certain strategies to “immerse” ourselves in the role that God is calling us to fill: the “best version of ourselves” (to borrow a phrase from […]

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The Six Tasks of Catechesis #2: Promoting Knowledge of Liturgy & Sacraments

Recently, we began a series here on my blog about the six tasks of catechesis, focusing on the notion that God is calling each of us to fulfill a role that he has planned for us. Just as actors rely on certain strategies to immerse themselves in character, we too rely on certain strategies to “immerse” ourselves in the role that God is calling us to fill: the “best version of ourselves” (to borrow a phrase from […]

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Being a Catechist

Catechetical Sunday (9/15/13) – Open the Door of Faith

This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 15, 2013, and will focus on the theme “Open the Door of Faith.”  As always, and appropriately so, catechists will be called forth in their parishes to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday […]

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Being a Catechist

Nik Wallenda, the Grand Canyon, and Faith in Jesus Christ

This is strictly an opinion piece and therefore open to debate which I invite, but as always, be charitable in your comments to me, to one another, and to Nik Wallenda! So last night, daredevil Nik Wallenda made his historic walk across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope with no tether and no safety net, gluing countless numbers of viewers like myself to the live broadcast. In addition to the drama of the stunt itself, […]

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Being a Catechist

Credit for Viewing Recorded Webinars

As you know, all of my Webinars are recorded and archived here on my blog for easy access (see the Webinars tab at the top of this home page). Many catechists are able to apply the time spent participating in these Webinars toward their catechist certification. We, at Loyola Press, however, are unable to provide certificates for viewing recordings of Webinars. With that in mind, however, I have developed a form that dioceses might use so […]

Finding God: Our Response to God's Gifts program

Divine Pedagogy and the Catechetical Process

Recently, someone asked me to share some thoughts about the theological underpinnings of the four-step catechetical process employed in the Finding God program. Here is how I replied. ( I think it summarizes succinctly the soundness of this process.) The catechetical process used in the Finding God program—engage, explore, reflect, respond—imitates how God teaches us. We call that the “Divine Pedagogy”—the method God uses to reveal himself to us. The process begins with God intervening […]

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Creative Moments

More About Meekness

Back when the Beatles were in business, they occasionally wrote songs that they themselves thought of as “throwaways,” meaning that they didn’t really think much of the songs themselves and yet, often these songs turned out to be hits, resonating with their fans. I have to admit that occasionally, I consider some of my posts  to be “throwaways” – something that I post because I can’t think of anything else at the moment and, it […]

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Let’s Help a Colleague: Project Based Learning for Confirmation Prep

 I received the following email from Tom, telling me about his idea of doing a “project-based” approach to Confirmation preparation. Here’s how he describes it:     Hi Joe, It was great to meet you in Winnipeg last month; your visit got me thinking about our parish’s catechetical confirmation prep. The candidates are in Gr. 9 (or as you folks say, ninth grade). I’m looking at implementing project based learning at the core of the […]

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Artistic Beauty Can Lead the Human Heart to God

In a general audience in August, 2011, Pope Benedict spoke of the importance of art in the life of faith, saying that artistic beauty can lead the human heart to God. “Art is capable of making visible our need to go beyond what we see and it reveals our thirst for infinite beauty, for God,” said the Holy Father. Whether you consider yourself an artist or not, we are all drawn to beauty. In fact, […]