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Intermediate Grades

Sacraments of Initiation: I Pledge Allegiance…

I’m on my way to Brooklyn, NY, for a presentation this evening, however, here’s my latest thinking about  teaching the Sacraments of Initiation this Monday and tying it to the Old Testament. I plan to introduce the session by inviting the kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance and to talk about what it means to pledge one’s allegiance to someone or something (loyalty, obedience). I’ll use that as an opportunity to talk about how […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Looking Ahead: Sacraments of Initiation

As I look ahead to this coming Monday’s session, I see that I am scheduled to teach about the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. It’s one of those strange situations where I’ve been teaching about the Old Testament and then all of a sudden I’m supposed to teach about the Sacraments of Initiation. Personally, I want to be able to keep a connection with the Old Testament going so I plan on developing […]

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Intermediate Grades

Winter Doldrums?

 This is the time of the year when many of us begin to experience the winter doldrums. As mild as winter has been in Chicago this year, the lack of light and color still gets to you after a while. My students came into class last night with a collective case of the doldrums! Several had just come from basketball practice and were a bit tuckered out but got their second wind a half hour […]

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Intermediate Grades

The Prophets Give Hope

My lesson for tonight dovetails nicely with last week’s session since we are continuing to talk about the Prophets. Last week, we focused on how the Prophets challenged the People of Israel. This week, we look at how the Prophets spoke words of HOPE to the People when they were in Exile and as they returned to their destroyed homeland. You may recognize the Works of Mercy exercise from a lesson I did a couple […]

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Intermediate Grades

Prophets Rock!

We had a wonderful time last night learning about the Old Testament Prophets! Three of my most rambunctious students were absent last night and while I was disappointed they missed the experience, it certainly made for a very calm evening! After welcoming the young people back from the holidays, we did a little review about the Ark of the Covenant and I showed them how I placed many of their prayer symbols in our own […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Happy New Year! My First Lesson of 2013

As we begin 2013 and continue with our Year of Faith, I wish you abundant blessings! It’s time to get back to work as a catechist! New Year’s Day proved to be a good day for me to plan my lesson for this coming Monday evening. Here is the outline of our session for Monday, January 7, 2013: The Prophets of Israel Challenge the People Big Idea: Prophets “get in the face” of the People […]

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Intermediate Grades

The Ark of the Covenant

My session on Monday evening focused on the Temple of Solomon and the question of where it is that we find the presence of God. After reading from our Finding God book about Solomon’s Temple and the placement of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies, representing the presence of God in the midst of Israel, we read John 2: 13-22 in which Jesus cleanses the Temple and then claims, “destroy this […]

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Intermediate Grades

Praying and Talking About Newtown, CT

Last evening was my first opportunity to be with my 6th graders in the wake of the tragic massacre in Newtown, CT. I came prepared to spend some quality time touching on the subject with them and praying about it. Here is what happened: As I was setting up for class, one young lady arrived early as usual to help me distribute materials. She said, without provocation, “Well, I’m very upset.” I asked her about […]

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Intermediate Grades

Solomon’s Temple: Where Do We Experience the Presence of God?

Here’s my lesson plan for Monday evening (Dec. 17) Session 12: Solomon’s Temple BIG IDEA:  God’s presence is found, not in a building, but in the People of God and in the Eucharist. Preliminaries (20 mins) Advent Procession – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Tribute to those who died in the CT massacre – ring chime 26 times…one for each victim Video: We Can Build a Beautiful City Engage (10 mins) Play “Where’s Waldo?” game. Explain […]

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Intermediate Grades

Advent Reconciliation

Last evening, I took my 6th graders to church for an Advent Reconciliation service which turned out nicely. Here are some observations: Our DRE, Arlene, has been out tending to her husband who has had some serious health issues (but appears to be on the mend, thank you, Jesus) so we gathered in church with a bit of uncertainty as to how to proceed. Quite understandable, given the circumstances, and quite manageable. The kids’ biggest […]