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Papal Conclave: Political Maneuvering or the Holy Spirit? Yes

As we approach the papal conclave, it is interesting to notice the coverage taking place. The media focuses on the political maneuvering taking place while Church spokespeople talk about prayer, discernment, and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Which is it? Both. We would be naive to think that there is no political maneuvering taking place among the cardinals at the conclave. At the same time, we would be just as naive to think that […]

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Papal Transition – It’s More About Continuity Than Change

The media’s emphasis during this papal transition is all about change – as if one political party is about to replace the current political party and bring in a whole new agenda. While it is true that the Church is always in need of reform, for Catholics, the transition is more about continuity than it is about change. The white smoke and the words “Habemus Papam” are reassuring words that the Chair of St. Peter […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Positive Review of Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox! (Now Available in Spanish!)

I’m always appreciative to learn of a good review of one of my books…here’s one from William O’Leary about my most recent book, Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox. Thanks William! Book review of Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox from Catechesis in the Third Millennium   By the way, this book is now also available in Spanish!!! Más allá de la caja de herramientas del catequista Catequesis que no solo informa, sino que también transforma   Joe Paprocki, […]

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How a Pope is Elected

Here is a very clever animation that explains how a pope is elected at a conclave – from Vatican Insider. Click  the title below.

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Prayer for the Election of a New Pope

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has provided some resources for prayer during this time of papal transition. In particular, here is a Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI as he approaches his retirement and here is a Prayer for the Election of a New Pope.  Likewise, here is a bulletin insert on How a New Pope is Chosen. All 3 of these resources are available in Spanish and are available for purchase in quantities. […]

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How To Host a DAY OF FAITH During This YEAR OF FAITH

Many people have been asking about what they can do in their local parish to mark this Year of Faith. In response, I’ve put together a new resource that you can use called DAYS OF FAITH! This is a kit that contains everything you need to host a faith formation event in your own parish during Lent or some other time of this Year of Faith. In this kit, I share 4 PowerPoint® presentations – each 60-minutes […]

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Catechetical Leaders

How Do We Speak in the Kingdom of God? My Article in RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine

The current issue of RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine features an article that I wrote titled “How We Speak in the Kingdom of God” and describes how First Eucharist is an ideal time to introduce what I call a “language of mystery” to those we teach. Here’s a PDF of the article: How We Speak in the Kingdom of God – Joe Paprocki article in RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine


40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Overcoming Impulses

Sin is often the result of acting on an impulse – like a reflex action that we do without thinking. During Lent, we strive to pay closer attention to how we act so that we can learn to discipline our impulses and not act reflexively. Materials needed: several cotton balls or rolled up paper towels, a transparent barrier (a wire screen, a piece of clear plastic, etc.), a heavy book and a table top.  Say, […]

Creative Moments

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: A Sense of Direction

Ask all of your students to stand up and, on the count of three, to point north. Inevitably, there is some confusion…not all have their bearings! Explain that we can rely on a compass to help us get a sense of direction. Make a simple home-made compass. You will need a magnet, a sewing needle, a shallow aluminum baking pan filled with water, and a small piece of Styrofoam (2 in. x 2 in.) Hold […]

Creative Moments

40 Ideas for 40 Days: A Declaration of DEpendence

Lent is a time for us to declare our independence from sins that have been impinging on our freedom and to declare our DEpendence on God! Prepare your own “parchment” to use as a Declaration of DEpendence. Here is a picture of one I prepared next to a replica of the real thing.  Any sheet of white newsprint will do. The thinner the paper, the better. I like to use a sheet from an easel […]