Dear Pope Francis

What Would You Ask the Pope?

If you could ask Pope Francis one question, what would it be? What would the children you work with ask the Pope? In Dear Pope Francis, the Pope’s first book for children, he personally responds to 30 questions from children around the world. The book is published by Loyola Press, and we’re excited to share it with you. The Wall Street Journal shares the story behind the project and the book’s trailer here. Dear Pope […]

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Coming Soon: A Church on the Move (My New Book!)

Welcome to the New Year, friends! I am excited to announce that in just a few short weeks, my newest book—A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion—will be available! If the New Evangelization is to have any hopes of success, our parishes must experience a radical revitalization. In order to accomplish this, however, we do not have to implode our parishes and rebuild them from scratch. In my new book, […]

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The Catechist’s Backpack Is Here!

I’m thrilled to announce that my new book, The Catechist’s Backpack: Spiritual Essentials for the Journey, co-written with Julianne Stanz, is now available from Loyola Press! Here is an excerpt: Backpacking is a fun, healthy, and physically challenging way to enjoy a journey of discovery. Of course, anyone setting forth on a backpacking journey knows that there are many things to take into consideration and certain necessities that need to be packed. In a similar […]

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Coming Soon! The Catechist’s Backpack

It’s a New Year, so it must be time for a new book by Joe Paprocki! Well, almost time! Here is the cover for my upcoming book, co-authored with my good friend Julianne Stanz: The Catechist’s Backpack: Spiritual Essentials for the Journey. The General Directory for Catechesis tells us that catechists must be formed in three areas: being, knowing, and doing (#238). I’ve provided catechists with books on doing the work of a catechist and […]

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For Those Who Can’t Get Enough of Pope Francis!

For those of you who can’t get enough of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, Loyola Press is proud to offer Pope Francis: Life and Revolution, a biography of Jorge Bergoglio, written by his good friend and internationally respected journalist, Elisabetta Piqué. Over 75 individuals were interviewed for Pope Francis: Life and Revolution, including lay people, priests, bishops, and cardinals who have known or worked with Francis at various times in his life. Insights from these […]

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Discussion Questions for Under the Influence of Jesus!

I am very excited to share this news with you: discussion questions for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Thanks to my good friend and co-worker, Carrie Freyer, and to the Marketing Department at Loyola Press for designing this resource and making it available for folks! These discussion questions make it possible for small faith groups and book discussion groups to spend some time reflecting […]

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Nice Book Review for Under the Influence of Jesus!

While on vacation, I caught wind of this very nice review of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus. The review was written for  by Eugene J. Fisher, a professor of theology at St. Leo University in Florida. Thanks, Dr. Fisher! Here’s a sample of the review: This book is a spiritual meditation on what it means to be a Christian in one’s daily life. Written on a popular level, it makes use of […]

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One Question with Joe Paprocki AND Another Book Review

Several weeks ago, the Publisher of Loyola Press, Fr. Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, sat down with me to ask his “One Question” and he chose to ask about the title of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus. Here’s my reply. httpv:// Speaking of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus, here’s another wonderful review by blogger Fran Rossi Szpylczyn who blogs at There Will Be Bread. Thanks Fran!

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Last Stop on My Blog Tour: Joliet Joyce!

You’ve heard of “Joliet Jake” from the Blues Brothers, but have you heard of “Joliet Joyce?” 🙂 Joyce Donahue is the last stop on my blog tour for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. Joyce, a Catechetical Associate in the Diocese of Joliet Religious Education Office, writes a wonderful blog at Liturgy and Catechesis Shall Kiss. When it comes to the nuts and bolts of liturgy and catechesis, […]

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My Blog Tour Heads to Downstate Illinois: Jonathan Sullivan

Ah, there’s nothing like traveling through the cornfields of Illinois on my way downstate! My blog tour today takes me to the state capitol of Springfield where Jonathan Sullivan serves as the Diocesan Director of Catechetical Services. Anyone know who the bishop is down there? 😉 I’ve spoken of Jonathan before on my blog and continue to admire him and see him as one of the brightest minds in catechetical ministry in our country today. […]