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Blog Tour 3rd Stop: Marc Cardaronella

Today, the blog tour for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, visits catechist extraordinaire, Marc Cardaronella, who aptly describes himself as a “passionate Catholic; evangelical catechist; experimental evangelist; former naval aviator; revert; and wannabe changemaker!” Here is more of how Marc describes himself and his blog: I’m Marc. I work at a Catholic parish in Central Illinois, and I have a passion for evangelization. This is where parish […]

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Blog Tour 2nd Stop: Ignitum Today!

I had to put up with some weather yesterday but other than than, my blog tour is going smoothly! Today, we arrive at Ignitum Today! and a review of my book Under the Influence of Jesus by Editor-in-Chief, J.R. Baldwin. Here is a bit more about J.R. Baldwin: J.R. Baldwin is the Editor-in-chief at Ignitum Today. A former statehouse reporter and nanny, she is one of the three Bright Maidens, and is a regular contributor […]

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Blog Tour First Stop:

So I’ve hit the (cyber) road this week for my blog tour to spread the word about my latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. My first stop is Karen Beattie’s blog. Here’s how Karen describes herself: When I was a child, growing up in the middle of the Iowa prairie, my father read poetry to me before bedtime. He taught me a love for well-written words and literature, […]

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I’m Going on Tour! A BLOG Tour, That Is!

In anticipation of Pentecost and to spread the word about my latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, I am embarking on a Blog Tour! Join me as I travel through cyberspace this week, making stops at the following blogs: Monday, June 2:  Karen Beattie Tuesday, June 3: Ignitum Today (Julie Baldwin) Wednesday, June 4: Marc Cardaronella Thursday, June 5: Jonathan F. Sullivan Friday, June 6: Liturgy & Catechesis […]

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Lawn Chair Catechism at Featuring A Well Built Faith!

I’m excited and flattered that my book, A Well-Built Faith, has been chosen for’s Lawn Chair Catechism this summer! I’ve had fun working on the promotional materials with them for this endeavor (see left and below!). Here is how they describe the experience: Welcome to the second “Lawn Chair Catechism” at! This is an opportunity for you to kick back while you study along with us. We’ll be using A Well-Built Faith: A […]

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Comings & Goings

Energize, Evangelize, Catechize: NCCL 2014 in St. Louis

I had a very enriching experience at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in St. Louis this past week, mainly because of the fantastic opportunities for networking with so many talented catechetical professionals! I had the privilege of delivering 2 workshops: one on my latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus, and one on my earlier book, 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. Thanks to all who attended my workshops and for the great interaction and […]

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Comings & Goings

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership

This week, I am thrilled to once again have the opportunity to not only attend but also to present at the annual National Conference for Catechetical Leadership which is taking place in St. Louis, MO! I will be doing 2 presentations: Tuesday, May 20 (11:45 am – 1:00 pm) Thriving Under the Influence: The Intoxicating Experience of Encountering Christ Tuesday, May 20 (4:30 pm – 5:45 pm) Unleashing Your Imagination: Getting and Sustaining the Good […]

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Great Review for Under the Influence of Jesus!

Thanks to U.S. Catholic (May, 2014 issue) for a very positive review of my book Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. The review, by Alfred J. Garrotto, says the following: Joe Paprocki’s latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus, models adult faith formation at its best: faith-full, contemporary, and applicable to everyday life. Readers who approach this book with the “same-old, same-old” expectations risk missing both its evangelical passion and […]

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Bishops – Under the Influence of Jesus

About a month ago, I sent a signed copy of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, to every Catholic bishop in the U.S. Since then, I’ve received dozens of cards and letters from the bishops in response! Many of them are commenting about this book being an excellent resource for the New Evangelization!

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Comings & Goings

Evangelizing Catechesis in Oakland, CA

Thanks to the catechetical leaders and youth ministers who came out in Oakland, CA, to spend the day looking at how we can make our catechesis more evangelizing. We were blessed with a visit from Bishop Barber, S.J., who spoke eloquently about his desire for catechesis to be more evangelizing, for us to expect more from those we teach, and for us to give them an experience of the transcendent.