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My New Book Is Available for Pre-Order!

During the holidays, we enjoy family, good friends, good food, and yes, a few good drinks! Responsibly enjoying a drink or two loosens up our inhibitions. Isn’t it interesting, then, to note that the very first impression that non-Christians had of Christians was NOT that they were sourpusses or judgmental curmudgeons but that they were drunk (Acts 2:13)? I doubt that the crowds saw the Apostles fumbling, slurring words, acting obnoxiously, moving haltingly, staring with […]

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Comings & Goings

Dallas Was Delightful!

Loyola Press and I are blessed to have a wonderful relationship with the Diocese of Dallas, TX, which has resulted in numerous opportunities for me to visit over the years. This past Saturday was one such opportunity, as I served as “retreat master” for about 100 catechists, reflecting on Mary as the Model for the New Evangelization. Thanks to Lourdes Mayer and Jeanne Jakubowski for inviting me to serve their catechists once again and to […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Happy 7th Blogoversary to ME!

It’s hard to believe that today is the 7th anniversary of The Catechist’s Journey! During that time, I have posted 1666 times and have received nearly 7500 comments! Thank you for walking this journey with me and may the Holy Spirit (and Our Lady of Guadalupe!) guide, inspire, and watch over our efforts as catechists as we continue the journey into the future!   [photo courtesy of Jeff Krause via Compfight]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You, Rochester, NY!

I spent a wonderful day in Rochester, NY, yesterday. In the afternoon, I met with about 100 catechetical leaders and in the evening with about 40 catechists – both times focusing on the concept of sacramentality and how our sacramental preparation efforts can be more evangelizing. Thanks to Jonathan Schott, Consultant for Catechist Faith Formation for the Diocese of Rochester, and to all of the staff of the catechetical office for organizing the events and […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference

A great  big THANK YOU to all the good folks who came out to the Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference this past weekend and especially to those who sat in on my presentations! It’s always a delight to travel to California (especially when it’s cold in Chicago!) and to share faith with you. I also had a chance to get together with my cousin Mike and his wife Mary Kay who live in San Jose…it […]

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Comings & Goings

My Trip East – New York and Columbus

Last week Thursday, my wife and I went out to a Chinese restaurant before I was to leave for a long weekend. My fortune cookie accurately predicted that I would be packing my bag and heading east although not quite as far as to be considered the “far East!” I spent Saturday in the Archdiocese of New York Catechetical Forum and Sunday and Monday in Columbus for the OCEA (Ohio Catholic Education Association) Conference and […]

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Comings & Goings

A “Cornhusker” Weekend!

I had a great weekend in the State of Nebraska, speaking at the Nebraskaland Festival of Faith. Thanks to our host, Don Kurre, the Director of the Catechetical Office for the Diocese of Grand Island, who has contributed so much to the catechetical ministry over many decades! I had the pleasure of meeting Bishop William Dendinger who, to his credit, was present for the entire 2-day conference…that is such an affirmation for catechists to have […]

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Comings & Goings

On the Border: A Day in Laredo, TX!

I spent an absolutely wonderful day with about 230 catechists and catechetical leaders in Laredo, Texas, just a mile or so from the U.S./Mexico border. I was privileged to provide a day of formation for these good folks who came with so much spirit and enthusiasm…they were quite inspiring. One catechist in attendance has 46 years of catechizing under her belt! And there she is at a catechist’s workshop! Amazing people. Thanks to everyone for […]

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Comings & Goings

More Iowa Smiles!

I received another pic from my visit to Iowa the other day! This one is from Melissa Holthaus who writes: “Awesome day yesterday Joe!!! Attached is our Great picture from yesterday!!! Thank You for All our your very Inspiring words and thoughts!!!” You’re welcome, Melissa, and thank you!

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Joe's Comings and Goings

“Is this heaven?” “No, it’s Iowa!”

It seems that most years, I resume my travel schedule (after the summer lull) with a beautiful 5 hour drive to Iowa! This year, my destination was Waterloo, IA, where I met with about 160 Catholic School Administrators and Parish Faith Formation Leaders as they kicked off their year. I also had the privilege of meeting the new Archbishop of Dubuque, the Most Reverend Michael O. Jackels, who celebrated a beautiful Mass for the whole […]