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Comings & Goings

Thank You Seattle!

I spend a wonderful weekend in Seattle with about 100 catechists looking at A Well Built Faith and The Catechist’s Toolbox. Thanks to all for such a great experience…I was deeply inspired by all of you!

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Comings & Goings

Practice Makes Catholic in Wisconsin Rapids

I enjoyed an evening with about 100 catechists in Wisconsion Rapids, WI, on Wednesday, focusing on Practice Makes Catholic and our Catholic identity. The folks who hosted the event went out of their way to make sure that each table had a unique centerpiece that represented various aspects of Catholic identity. Here’s an example: Thanks to all the folks who came out to spend such an enjoyable evening! BTW, here’s where I stopped for breakfast […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You Jesus – Success Teaching Roman Missal Changes to Children

Last night, I had a surprisingly good experience teaching the Roman Missal changes to ALL of the children in the religious education program at Most Holy Redeemer parish in Evergreen Park, IL, where I serve as a catechist. Here are the details: I did the presentation twice: first session (5:30 – 6:45 pm) for 1st – 4th graders and their parents (about 250 total, kids and parents); 2nd session (7:00 – 8:15 pm) for 5th – […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks to Richmond, VA!

I had a wonderful weekend in Richmond, VA, doing the keynote and a couple of workshops at their “Graced by God” conference. Thanks to Eileen Brown for arranging for me to speak and to Deacon Ed Schmidt who served as my “personal assistant” throughout the day. I immensely enjoyed meeting Ed and spending the day with him and enjoying lunch with him and his wife. Thanks Ed for your selfless diaconal service, not only to […]

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Comings & Goings

Now THAT’S a Toolbox!

I had the pleasure of doing a Catechist’s Toolbox presentation for about 50 catechists in the Northern Deanery of Indianapolis on Thursday evening and the folks there really outdid themselves…take a look at this welcome table!           Speaking of the Catechist’s Toolbox, DRE Jackie Noll (St. Matthew, Indianapolis) gave me a grand tour of her facilities including her storage space. Now THAT’S a toolbox! Look at this vast array of resources […]

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Comings & Goings

Howdy to Hoxie and a Salute to Salina!

I spent a few wonderful days in the state of Kansas (my first visit there!) at a couple of Catechist Rallies, one in each end of the state. Saturday was in Salina on the eastern side of the state and Sunday was in Hoxie on the wesern side of the state. That made for some nice long rides…beautiful! Thanks to everyone for coming out to the catechist rallies…I learned so much from you and I hope […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings


Hopefully, if I watch my weight, I won’t become a large catechist, however, this year, I’m going to serve as a type of “catechist-at-large.” Due to a number of commitments, I’m unable to have my own class this year, however, I am going to be doing the following at Most Holy Redeemer in Evergreen Park, IL: Teaching the Roman Missal changes (within the context of teaching about the Mass) to grades 1-8 in two separate presentations in […]

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Comings & Goings

The Head AND the Heart

I had an interesting experience the other night in Minneapolis. I was working with about 200 catechists and had them brainstorming on what they would include in a 1 hour presentation if they had to explain the Catholic faith to a group of non-Catholics. Included in the gathering were about 20 Spanish-speaking catechists for whom a simultaneous translator had been provided (they listened to her translation on headsets…like the United Nations!). When I asked volunteers […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Thank You, Minnesota! Happy Catechetical Sunday!

A great big THANK YOU to the many folks who came out Thursday for catechetical enrichment in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul! About 70 catechetical leaders in the morning and about 200 catechists in the evening! And, WOW, were they energetic and interactive!!! Thanks to all for such a great day and may your catechetical year be filled with blessings! And, to all catchists, a very Happy CATECHETICAL SUNDAY! May this year find you growing […]

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The Catechist’s Toolbox Sweeps into Winnipeg, CA!

I received the most incredible unsolicited endorsement of my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada! The Director of Catechetics and Faith Formation, Judy Vermette, sent me the following. (the prayers she is referring to are the prayers at the end of each chapter). Hi Joe, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg and the Archdiocese of St. Boniface have collaborated to bring your book “The Catechist Toolbox” as the theme for a […]