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Catechetical Leaders

Practice Makes Catholic Podcast via NCCL

I was privileged to be interviewed for a Catechetical Leader (NCCL) podcast about my new book, Practice Makes Catholic recently. The interview was conducted by Jonathan Sullivan, the Directof of Catechetical Ministries for the Diocese of Springfield, IL. Jonathan is one of the “rising stars” in the catechetical ministry and if you haven’t checked out his blog or his technology webinars, you need to do so! NCCL provides timely and relevant information and support for catechists […]

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Spiritual Mentoring: Free Online Resources

Since the days of the early Church, Christians have realized that the spiritual journey is not meant to be walked alone. We find our way by walking with others who are guided by the same vision. A person who has a sense of direction and who can assist others in learning how to incorporate spiritual practices into daily life is called a mentor. Spiritual mentors can walk with others on the journey, whether informally or […]

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Comings & Goings

Des Moines DREs Do it Best!

Thanks to all the good folks – catechetical leaders, youth ministers, RCIA and AFF coordinators, etc – who invited me to spend the day with them in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, March 3. We enjoyed a great experience of exploring ways to provide formation for our catechists. Thanks especially to John Gaffney, the Director of the Department of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Des Moines, for making this event possible. Thanks folks…I […]

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Comings & Goings

A Mile High!

I just spent a wonderful morning with a number of catechetical leaders and catechists about an hour out of Denver in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO! I am especially grateful that everything worked out because just about 36 hours ago, I was in bed with a fever and a cough that had me barking like a dog. Luckily, I was able to see the doc on Tuesday, get some meds, rest up, and fly out Wednesday […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

An Evening with the Associate Pastor

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! A big day for us catechists who are all about teaching LOVE! Tonight, the 4th graders will have an opportunity to spend the evening with Fr. Matt, the Associate Pastor, as he will help them to better understand the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I should have the recordings of the Roman Missal Webinars real soon…stay tuned! In the meantime, I’ll answer some more of the many questions that came in during the Webinars. […]

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Comings & Goings

Surrounded by Cheeseheads! (And I say that affectionately!)

I enjoyed spending the day yesterday with about 50 “Cheeseheads” which of course is the nickname given to Green Bay Packers’ fans. As they celebrate their Superbowl victory, they were gracious enough to welcome this Chicago Bears fan into their midst for a Being, Knowing, and Doing professional development workshop. We had the most wonderful day together and talked about so many ideas and strategies for taking care of our catechists. Thanks to Gary Pokorny, […]

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Comings & Goings


Thanks to the 75-80 catechetical leaders who spent the day with me Wednesday in Newark, New Jersey, exploring ways of forming catechists in the dimensions of Being, Knowing, and Doing. It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed meeting so many of you and talking with you about all things catechetical. Thanks to Ron Pihokker (Director of the Catechetical Office) and to Associate Directors Betsy Foer, Joe Silvoy, and Gene Tozzi, for their hospitality and […]

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Comings & Goings

Bucks and Montgomery Counties, PA

A great big THANK YOU to all the good folks (nearly 300 of ya’s from Bucks and Montgomery Counties) who came out on Thursday night in Bucks County, PA, for A Catechist’s Night Out! I was honored and privileged to have the opportunity to spend the evening with you talking about the catechetical process and creative ways of keeping kids engaged in religious education. Here I am with one of PA’s finest ladies, Marie Scanlon, […]