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Joe's Comings and Goings

Thanks to All and Congratulations to Sue!

Thanks to all of you who sent in such heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of my 3rd “blogiversary!” It means a lot to me to read about the many ways that my blog has touched the lives of catechists! Congratulations to Sue who sent in the following comment and is the winner of the drawing for an autographed set of my Loyola Press books! “Well done,my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Happy Blogiversary to ME! To US!

December 12 is the 3rd anniversary of my blog, Catechist’s Journey! We’ve come a long way in those 3 years. Take a look at the post that started it all! December 12, 2006 Over these past 3 years, we have covered a lot of ground! During that time, I have completed 670 posts and you have sent in 2269 comments! (Keep those comments coming…I’m thinking about a nice prize for the 3000th comment!) We have […]

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Comings & Goings

Heading to Philly!

I’m off to Philadelphia for a few days! Friday, I’ll be with the DREs and CREs of the IHM parishes in Philly and on Saturday, I’ll be delivering the keynote at the Philadelphia Catholic Life Congress! Pray that God puts the words in my mouth that people need to hear! I’ll be back in time to teach my class on Monday night and I’ll blog about my lesson plan earlier in the day on Monday. […]

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Living the Mass – in Chinese!

I enjoyed a proud moment the other day when I was handed a copy of my book, Living the Mass, translated into Chinese! The translation was done by Cecilia Tao, a friend of Fr. George Lane, S.J., President of Loyola Press. I co-authored Living the Mass with Fr. Dom Grassi in 2005. Cecilia tells me that the book is able to be sold in China in churches but not in bookstores. Here’s a pic of […]

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Comings & Goings

Chicago to Portland to Evergreen Park!

Tomorrow, Friday, October 16, I will be speaking at the Chicago Festival of Faith on the topic of the Catechetical Message of Scripture. Then, it’s off to Portland, OR, for their Catechetical Conference at which I will deliver the keynote address and offer a workshop, both relating to The Catechist’s Toolbox. And then, of course, it’s back home for Monday evening’s session of religious education with my 8th graders! I hope to finish walking the […]

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Comings & Goings

Ohio Catholic Education Association

Cincinnati, here I come! I’m privileged to have the opportunity to do a couple of workshops at the Ohio Catholic Education Association conference in Cincinnati this week. I’ll be speaking on The Catechist’s Toolbox and Living the Mass. In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you about how your first few weeks of teaching are going! Send in your comments.

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Comings & Goings

A Well-Built Faith in Green Bay, WI

I spent a wonderful Friday with 200 Administrators (Catholic school principals, DREs, Adult Faith Formation Coordinators, etc.) on the topic of my book, A Well-Built Faith. The folks there really outdid themselves, creating an environment that brought the Well-Built Faith imagery to life. Take a look at these pics! Thanks to all the good folks of the Diocese of Green Bay for a great day and God bless you in your ministry! What an amazing […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Don't Miss My Article in RTJ!

I had the pleasure of writing an article for the September, 2009, issue of Religion Teacher’s Journal titled “A Beginning-of-the-Year Checklist for Teaching: Prepare For a Successful Year with These Helpful Tips”(page 20) Be sure to pick up a copy.

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Back from Vacation – Gearing Up for the Catechist Webinars

Greetings, fellow catechists! I’ve enjoyed a couple of weeks of vacation (mainly stay-cation) and am well-rested and back at work! These last 2 weeks included some lovely day trips, time with some old friends, a big family reunion picnic, some home improvement projects, lots of exercise (running, walking, bike riding) and a long lazy day at the beach! God is good. While I was away, I was keeping tabs on the response to the announcement […]