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Joe's Comings and Goings

My Chat with Cardinal George

At my D. Min. graduation ceremony Saturday, I had a brief moment with Cardinal Francis George after he handed me my diploma and we waited for the photographer to snap a picture. After we shared greetings and pleasantries, we enjoyed the following exchange: Joe: “So, I’ll see you again this Tuesday night at the Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet.” Cardinal George: “Oh, that’s right.” Joe: “After all, I am a catechist. And that’s more important than […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

D. Min. Graduation pics

Here are some pics from my Doctor of Ministry graduation Saturday…a wonderful experience!

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Joe's Comings and Goings

What's Up Doc? – My Graduation Day

Today is my graduation from the Doctor of Ministry program at St. Mary of the Lake University, Mundelein, Illinois! I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to grow in faith. I’ll share some pix in the days to come!

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Comings & Goings

My Speaking Engagements

I’ve updated my list of speaking engagements (see the link to the right). Here’s where I’ll be in the weeks and months to come: MAY(2008) 19 – Diocese of New Ulm, MN “Spring Fling” – Tentative title: “Enter the Journey of Love: The Catechetical Ministry as a Ministry of Love” (mini-retreat for catechetical and youth leaders) JUNE (2008) 7  – St. Paul the Apostle (Gurnee, IL), Fostering Faith Catechesis Module 16 – St. Julie Billiart […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

The Liturgical Catechist

The March, 2008, issue of Catechist magazine includes an article written by yours truly! The article is titled The Liturgical Catechist: 10 Ways You Can Make Your Lessons More Liturgical. I hope you get a chance to read it and send me your comments. Speaking of comments, I’m still trying to resolve a backup in the Comments moderation queue so if you recently sent a comment and it’s not showing, hang in there!

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Comings & Goings

Tell Me One Thing You Learned

Last night, I had the pleasure of doing a Lenten reflection on the Mass with the good folks at St. Bruno parish on the southside of Chicago. The very hardworking and talented DRE, Lois DeFelice, organized the evening and had the confirmation class join us for the presentation. They were so well-behaved and attentive that I just have to send along my compliments to them, to their catechist, and to Lois…you can all be proud! […]

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A Well-Built Faith

I’m excited and proud to tell you about my upcoming book, A Well-Built Faith: A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe, to be published by Loyola Press (available late this summer). Here’s how I describe the purpose/goal of the book in the Introduction: We Catholics seek to be people who have the right tools and a firm foundation to serve God and others. How do we do this? Through faith formation. Catechesis […]

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Comings & Goings

Snowed Out

Alas, we were snowed out in Naperville last evening! However, we are going to work hard to re-schedule so I still hope to meet the army of 300 catechists! I will miss my upcoming Monday night RE class because of a management seminar I need to attend. I’ve been very careful about keeping Monday nights “sacred” for my commitment as a catechist, but this is one that the company is sending me on. Luckily, my […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings


The movie 300 tells the tale of the brave and elite Spartan army of 300 soldiers that went up against the Persian army of over a hundred thousand. Good movie. Tonight, I am gathering with another brave and elite army of 300…catechists, that is! Weather permitting, I will be in Naperville in the Joliet diocese, speaking about The Catechist’s Toolbox to 300 catechists from a number of parishes in that area. The DREs are treating […]

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Follow-up: Leader Guide for The Catechist's Toolbox

The other day, I announced the publication of a Leader’s Guide for The Catechist’s Toolbox and indicated that it was free with a purchase of 25 copies of The Catechist’s Toolbox. I’m told by the folks in Customer Service and Sales at Loyola Press that, for those of you who made a previous bulk purchase of The Catechist’s Toolbox, you are welcome to call to request a free copy of the Leader’s Guide.