Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Liturgical Seasons & Feasts

Pop-Up Catechesis: All Souls and Overcoming the Fear of Death

In the Chicago area, where I live, there is a great deal of ethnic diversity. One of the most prominent ethnic groups in Chicago is the Mexican-Americans. I’ve always enjoyed experiencing and observing the many traditions of the Mexican-American community. One tradition that I have observed on numerous occasions is the family picnicking at the grave of a deceased loved one. I’m not just talking about visiting the grave; I’m talking about a full picnic […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Ascension and Three Questions

Imagine that a terrible storm caused considerable damage to the area you live in, including your home. Once the storm passes, you and your neighbors emerge from your homes to assess the damage. Relief workers and first responders are everywhere, but everything is in chaos. In fact, some scam artists are posing as relief workers and are seeking to take advantage of folks. In order to figure out how to get help for you, your family, […]

stained glass of the Coming of the Holy Spirit - detail of the Glorious Mysteries - image by Daniel VILLAFRUELA, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Glorious Mysteries: The Coming of the Holy Spirit

We reflect this Easter season on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Imagine telling all your family and friends that the only thing you wanted for Christmas was a particular gift. You drop hints in every conversation to make sure that someone will get this perfect gift for you. When Christmas morning arrives, you race to the Christmas tree and dig through all the presents until you find that perfectly shaped box. You tear open […]

stained glass of the Ascension - detail of the Glorious Mysteries - image by Daniel VILLAFRUELA, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Glorious Mysteries: The Ascension and Accompaniment

We reflect this Easter season on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Have you ever stared at something or someone in wondrous awe? Or felt unprepared to take on a profoundly important mission? Each time I contemplate the Second Glorious Mystery, the Ascension of our Lord, I realize how much Jesus had prepared the disciples for the evangelizing mission that lay ahead and for the time when his work on earth would come to completion. […]

stained glass of the Resurrection - detail of the Glorious Mysteries - image by Daniel VILLAFRUELA, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Glorious Mysteries: The Resurrection and Hope in the Darkness

We reflect this Easter season on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. One way of praying that has been very fruitful for me is Ignatian contemplation, which is a way of praying with my imagination. I envision myself as being present inside a story from Scripture, participating in it as it unfolds. When I contemplate the Resurrection, there are so many different scenes and people that fill my mind. Jesus’ Resurrection remains the focus, of […]

Easter flowers - Mny-Jhee/iStock/Getty Images

Three Mystics Who Exemplify Easter People

We are Easter people! That does not mean that we celebrate Easter with a party, complete with baskets and chocolate bunnies (though I love that iconic confectionary as much as anyone). Being Easter people means that we are animated by the same kind of love that defeated death itself. We are people who see Christ still present and walking among us today—in Scripture, in the sacraments, in the works of mercy, and in one another. […]

Resurrected Christ appears to disciples - illustration by Tracy Bishop

The Risen Christ Enters Through Locked Doors

One of the most tantalizing details of the Resurrection accounts is the fact that the Risen Jesus enters rooms through locked doors. We read in the Gospels that the Apostles had locked themselves in the upper room in fear after Jesus’ Crucifixion. And yet, the Risen Christ appeared in their midst. (John 20:19) This message is so important for us today, as we find ourselves still in the pandemic, still observing isolation and social-distancing guidelines. […]

egg with cross on it

Sunday : The Week :: The Triduum : The _________

Many standardized tests use the formula seen in the title for word analogies. If you are not familiar with the formula, it is “translated” accordingly: “Sunday is to the week as the Triduum is to the ______.” And the answer is: year. I learned this analogy years ago from the great liturgist, Gabe Huck, who made it a point to assert that, “Sunday is to the week as the Triduum is to the year.” In […]

crucifix and Bible

How to Make Holy Week Holy

Now that Holy Week is upon us, I recognize that many catechists may be searching for resources to help those they teach and their families to truly enter into these solemn days to make them truly holy, or “set apart.” I’d like to offer some suggestions. For starters, don’t forget this free slide presentation I put together a few years ago to provide an overview of Holy Week, the Triduum, and Easter. Another Holy Week resource […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki

Pop-Up Catechesis: Keeping Christ in Easter

When it comes to the 40 days of Lent, most of us have an idea of what to do during this season: pray, fast, and give alms. But what about the 50 days of Easter? What do we do during the Easter season to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus? Of course we continue to pray, and almsgiving is always in season. Instead of fasting, we feast (not to be confused with gluttonous behavior). But what […]