8 Steps to Energize Your Faith video series
Spiritual Growth

8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, Step Three: Simplify Your Life

Scripture never tells us that money and possessions are evil. However, Scripture does warn us, over and over, that money and possessions are dangerous. Why? Because they can subtly insert themselves between us and God. They can act as mirages that lead us away from the true source of fulfillment: divine grace. As we continue to reflect briefly on the steps from my book, 8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, I invite you to reflect […]

8 Steps to Energize Your Faith video series
Spiritual Growth

8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, Step Two: Delight in Nature and All of Creation

When we think of going on vacation, we usually think of a place where we can spend a lot of time outdoors. Even when we are at work, we often look for an opportunity to step outside and get some fresh air. There is something regenerative about being outdoors. As we continue to reflect briefly on the steps from my book, 8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, I invite you to reflect on step two: […]

8 Steps to Energize Your Faith video series
Spiritual Growth

8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, Step One: Create Something

It’s common for adults, when observing little children running around and playing games, to say, “If I had even half of their energy, I’d be happy!” We do, indeed, seek to be energized, both physically and spiritually. Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing brief videos based on my book, 8 Steps to Energize Your Faith, designed to provide concrete suggestions for tapping into divine energy. Step one is: Create something! Be sure to […]

Seeing with the Heart by Kevin O'Brien, SJ - book cover with author photo next to it
Growing as a Catechist

Catechists Help Others to See with the Heart

For some time now, I have been sharing thoughts here on Catechist’s Journey about catechists as mystagogues—people who invite and lead others into the Paschal Mystery. Recently, I came across a metaphor from Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, that I believe illustrates the difference between being solely a teacher and being a mystagogue when it comes to passing along a spiritual tradition: A wise Jesuit friend once told me that tradition should act more like a […]

Praying Through Pain: A Webinar with Barbara Lee (pictured)
Ignatian Spirituality

Praying Through Pain Webinar with Barbara Lee

Pain is an unavoidable part of life, and the Gospel does not promise avoidance of pain but rather, a way through it. As catechists, we are inviting those we teach to enter into the Paschal Mystery, which is a journey through the pain, suffering, and Death of Jesus Christ that leads to new life in his Resurrection. It is a journey through pain to new life! With that in mind, I invite you to join […]

online retreat for catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

Spiritual Wellness Virtual Retreats

During the pandemic, when most of us were isolated in our homes, we struggled to maintain our emotional and spiritual wellness. Even now that we are emerging from the pandemic, many of us continue to struggle to maintain our balance as we seek to find our footing and meet the challenges of a world that seems to grow more complex by the day. In response to this reality, I partnered with the good folks at […]

GRACE: Embrace Simplicity - text on green background next to cover of "Braving the Thin Places"
Spiritual Growth

Embracing Simplicity

We conclude our series on developing a space for grace by exploring the importance of embracing simplicity. Helping our students embrace simplicity for a positive and healthy life should be a part of our conversations about faith, mission, and the stewardship of all the resources that God has entrusted to us. Here are a few entry points for a conversation about this topic. Look at the witness of Pope Francis. When Pope Francis was elected, […]

The Examen Book printable activities
Ignatian Spirituality

Introducing Young Children to the Examen

One of the centerpieces of Ignatian spirituality is the practice of the Daily Examen, a brief prayer exercise to help busy people recognize the presence and movement of God in their daily lives. Many wonderful books have been written to help adults practice this powerful prayer, with A Simple Life-Changing Prayer and Reimagining the Ignatian Examen being among the best. Previously, I have blogged about teaching young children how to practice the Examen. Now, thankfully, there […]

GRACE: Cultivate Radical Hospitality - text on green background next to cover of "Braving the Thin Places"
Spiritual Growth

Cultivating Radical Hospitality

As we continue our series delving into practices that can help us create a space for grace, let’s explore the concept of radical hospitality and receiving others as Christ would receive them. To do this, I want to share a few insights from my Irish background and culture that might be helpful. In general, the Irish are known for their effusive hospitality and the warmth of their welcome. Indeed, the Irish expression céad míle fáilte, […]

GRACE: Authentic Availability and Acceptance - text on green background next to cover of "Braving the Thin Places"
Spiritual Growth

Authentic Availability and Acceptance

We continue our series on developing a space for grace by focusing on authentic availability and acceptance. These two related spiritual practices can help us as catechists to fulfill our mission to share the Catholic faith joyfully with those around us. Authentic Availability Leo Tolstoy’s story of “The Three Questions” contains important lessons for us in terms of how to be authentically available to God and to each other. The story outlines three questions with […]