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Adult Faith Formation

Last but Not Least…Advice for Catechists of Adults

Adult Catechesis is last on my list of webinars but certainly not least! In fact, the General Directory for Catechesis reminds us that Adult Catechesis is the primary form of catechesis!With that in mind, what advice would you offer to someone who is going to be a catechist of adults (e.g. RCIA, Bible study, adult faith sharing, Adult Confirmation prep, etc)? In particular, how is teaching adults different from teaching children? What learning needs to […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Thanks for Participating in the Webinar!

A great big THANK YOU to all the folks who participated in tonight’s Webinar, Getting Started as a Catechist – Primary Grades!!! As always, it was wonderful to be able to spend time with you looking more closely at how we can grow in our effectiveness as catechists. Good luck to all you primary grade catechists! Next up is my Webinar for catechists of intermediate grade children (grades 4, 5, and 6) on Wednesday, August […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Countdown to Webinar – Download a Note-Taking Handout

We’re into the final countdown for the free Getting Started Webinar for Catechists of Primary Grade Children (grades 1, 2, and 3). Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 7:00 pm (CDT)   There’s still time to register…just click here. In anticipation of the Webinar, here is a convenient Note Taking Handout that you can download! We cover so much information in these Webinars that some folks have told me they have trouble keeping up and taking notes…this should […]

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Comings & Goings

Webinar this Wednesday! P.S. Thanks Atlanta!

This Wednesday, August 17, 2011, will be the first of a series of free Webinars I’m offering titled Getting Started as a Catechist. This first one focuses on catechists of Primary Grade children (grades 1-3). To register, click here. I’m really looking forward to spending time with you looking at some basic tools that can help us be effective catechists! P.S. I big shout out to the Archdiocese of Atlanta for hosting such a successful […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Teaching Jr High & High School Youth – What’s Your Advice?

Here’s what Bernie has to say about teaching junior high and high school youth: I am starting my sixth year of teaching 7th graders and last year I was surprised to realize how much my students enjoyed a bit of quiet time to encounter God. With their heavy schedules of school, sports, choir, and other extra curriculars, some of these children are constantly on the run. Towards the end of class, I tried to incorporate […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Next Up: Advice for Catechists of Jr High/High School Youth

Thanks to everyone for sharing such great advice for catechists of intermediate age children. Now, we move on to the next group which is catechists of junior high and high school youth (grades 7 through12). Let’s hear from the army of intrepid catechists out there who labor in the vineyard with these unique creatures we call pre-adolescents and adolescents! What advice, wisdom, and strategies do you have to offer? Just type in your comments below…I’ll […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Getting Started as a Catechist – Free Webinars!

As the new catechetical year approaches, catechists are focusing their attention on how to best engage their students in faith formation. In the United States alone, roughly 150,000 catechists are new to the job each year!  With that in mind, I will once again be hosting a series of free Webinars through Loyola Press called “Getting Started as a Catechist.” This year, I’m offering a new twist: I will be hosting four webinars in the series, each focused on […]

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Roman Missal Changes

A Catechist’s Guide to the New Translation – from the Diocese of Lansing

Thanks to my colleague Denise, here’s a resource for catechists to use to implement the new translation of the Roman Missal. It’s from the Diocese of Lansing, MI, and it is quite thorough. It basically constitutes a mini-curriculum on the Mass that would require 8 sessions. What I’m hearing from a lot of catechetical leaders, however, is that they are not planning on setting aside such large chunks of time from their regular curriculum (for […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal Translation: What You Need to Know – Articles 8 & 9!

That’s right, it’s a two-fer! The next TWO installments of my Roman Missal articles are now available. Here’s the scoop: As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the […]

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Roman Missal Changes

More Q & A!

I received SO MANY excellent questions from folks during the Roman Missal Webinars I hosted last week. Here is the 3rd installment! Roman Missal Webinar Q & A 3rd Installment