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Lent, Ashes, Penance, and Mrs. Doubtfire – Catholic Blog Day

(Jonathan Sullivan has invited all Catholic bloggers to write on a common theme today – penance – as a way to mark Catholic Blog Day. I’m happy to participate with my fellow Catholic bloggers!) There is a great scene in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire in which Robin Williams, dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire (a matronly British nanny), has had too much to drink. In his inebriated state, his eyes land on a sexy woman at the […]

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Lent: A 40-Day Retreat/Learning to Throw a Change-up

The beginning of Lent often coincides with the beginning of spring training and the reporting of pitchers and catchers, so I can’t help but dip into my bag of sports metaphors to talk about Lent. Lent is nothing more than a 40-day retreat and a retreat is basically an opportunity to step back from ordinary activities to connect with God in a special way. It’s the spiritual equivalent of throwing a change-up. For those of […]

Lenten Resources for catechists

Lenten Resources

Here are links to the various Lenten resources that we have to offer. We hope they are helpful to you as we journey together through this holy season! Resources to Download 7 Ways to Practice Lent—Free eBook Lent with the Saints Lenten Actions Cards A Whole Bunch of Values Lenten Countdown for Children Lent Activities Pack Stations of the Cross Booklet Praying with the Stations of the Cross—With Station to Station Questions for Reflection and […]

40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent from Catechist's Journey

40 Ideas for 40 Days

Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 14 My Lenten Calendar: 40 Crosses Color a cross each day for 40 days showing good deeds done out of love for Jesus. Thursday, February 15 Lenten Actions Cards Encourage families to take practical steps toward practicing the traditional Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Friday, February 16 A Prayer for Fasting Pray with young people to help them understand the purpose of fasting. Saturday, February 17 Hooking Your Students: […]


40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Good Deeds Bracelets for Lent

This activity is called Good Deeds Bracelets for Lent and it comes to us from Arma Dei. They describe it this way: Inspired by St. Therese, this bracelet works similar to other good deed bead bracelets, as the beads slide and stay in place, recording each good deed, extra prayer (foregone opportunity to complain) or sacrifice. Arma Dei sells a craft kit that contains everything you need to create these bracelets. Be sure to take […]


40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Salt Dough Crown of Thorns

Today’s activity – a Salt Dough Crown of Thorns – can be found in many places on the Internet, I am drawing from a  couple of Web sites: Ten Kids and a Dog and Three Sided Wheel (which has an excellent tutorial) Basically, you make a salt dough and then roll out the dough into 3 long rolls/ropes. Next, you braid the rolls/ropes and shape it into a circle. Add toothpicks (loosely) to represent the thorns, asking forgiveness […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Meet Katie Elwood

Welcome to another installment of Catechists in Action as we enter the classroom of 2nd grade catechist Katie Elwood (Most Holy Redeemer Parish, Evergreen Park, IL). Thanks Katie for inviting us in at the last moment (without warning!) when my planned filming in another class ran into an obstacle. Katie is so excited to be preparing her children for First Holy Communion. On the evening we filmed, she was introducing them to a new First […]

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Mary and the Saints

Celebrating St. Blaise—Getting Beyond Superstition

I remember as a kid being thrilled with the Feast of St. Blaise, because it meant that I wouldn’t get any more sore throats during the remaining weeks of the cruel Chicago winter. So much of my piety back then was bordering (if not totally over the edge!) on superstition. Why? I was never really taught otherwise. I was taught that the blessing of St. Blaise would keep me not only from getting a sore […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Dan Ward Segment 7

In this segment of Catechists in Action, 7th grade catechist Dan Ward runs into a bit of a time snag. Because of the Advent prayer service that took place in church, he has no time to complete the activity he had planned which was a Mass flip-book. Watch as Dan… shows samples of Mass flip-books made by previous classes asks and encourages his students to complete the project on their own explains how they can […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action #4 – Dan Ward Explains Roman Missal Changes

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 7th grade catechist Dan Ward talking to his class about Advent and the introduction of the Roman Missal changes. Watch for the following as Dan… directs the young people to open their text books and look at the liturgical calendar talks about Advent as the beginning of the Church’s new year asks the young people about their experience of the changes in the Mass invites a […]