Works of Mercy Prayers and Activities Resource Packet
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Works of Mercy Prayers and Activities—Free Resource Packet

Mercy is a virtue that influences a person’s compassion for another. Mercy inspires the will to ease another’s misfortunes or suffering in either body or soul. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy are charitable actions that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need. However, the works of mercy are more than gestures or obligations. To gain merit in heaven, the actions must be performed as acts of love for our neighbor as […]

Advent grab bag

The Advent Prayer Grab Bag

Traditional Advent activities include Advent wreaths, calendars, and Jesse trees. While these are all great ways to help children celebrate the season, I like using something different: the Advent prayer grab bag. The prayer grab bag takes its inspiration from the popular party game of grab bags. I ask my group if anyone has ever participated in a grab bag and invite someone who has to explain the tradition of bringing one gift to a […]

Advent Prayers Packet

Actively Waiting for Advent—Free Prayer Packet

We wait at the doctor’s office. We wait in traffic. We wait in line at the coffee shop. We wait our turn. We wait for a sign from God. We wait to be heard. We wait. Advent is waiting, also, but not in the listless, zoned-out way like we might wait at the local coffee shop, nor in the anxious, bored way we might wait at the doctor’s office or in traffic. Advent is active […]

woman praying with Scripture
Growing as a Catechist

The Spiritual Life of Catechists, Part 3: Personal Prayer

This is the third article in a series about the spiritual life of catechists, inspired by the list of characteristics in the National Directory for Catechesis. Catechists are called to a strong prayer life, having not only a habit of regular personal prayer but a living relationship with God. The Catechism describes prayer as God’s gift, a covenant relationship, and communion of life in Christ. Through it, we discover God, who dwells in each human […]

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Purchasing Objects for Your Prayer Table

Whether you are doing child catechesis or adult catechesis, it is crucial to establish a climate of prayer and one of the most effective ways of doing this is by setting up a prayer table. People ask me where they can get the objects they need for a prayer table and I thought I had posted on that sometime ago but I guess I was dreaming! So here are some suggestions for purchasing objects for […]

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations

This Sunday, May 11, is World Day of Prayer for Vocations which coincides with the 4th Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday. Here is a link to the Web site for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Likewise, here is a link to the USCCB Web site with further links to resources such as prayers for vocations and the message of the Holy Father. Let us pray that God will call […]

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Being a Catechist

How to Lead Spontaneous Prayer – As Easy as Ber-a-khah!

For many Catholics, the thought of being called upon to lead a spontaneous prayer can darn near bring on a panic attack! Never fear! Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides us with a simple formula to follow that will guide you in organizing your thoughts into a cohesive, intelligent, and heart-felt spontaneous prayer. First, take a look at his prayer offered by King Solomon (2Chronicles 6:14-17). At first, it looks like a lot of words, however, we’re […]

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Intermediate Grades

“I Pray for All Those Affected by the Government Shutdown.” – 6th Grader Prayer Intention

Who says that kids don’t know how to pray? Not me! Last evening, as part of our usual opening prayer, we shared prayer intentions (which I usually have the kids write down as soon as they enter the room). One young man shared the following:  “I pray for all those affected by the government shutdown.” Wow. There’s someone who is not only in touch with current events, but also knows that these are the kinds […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Turning Heads…Literally – Use of Video at Reconciliation Prayer Service

Things turned out very nicely with the use of video at our Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service last evening. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post (Tonight, I’m the Tech Guy!), I coordinated the use of video for 5 different moments of our Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service last evening, including images of “Stories of Hope” from Operation Rice Bowl, opening and closing songs, a video examination of conscience and a Powerpoint reflection of images of Jesus while children […]

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Tonight, I’m the “Tech Guy!” – Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service

Believe it or not, tonight I play the role of the “tech guy” for the Lenten Reconciliation prayer service taking place in church! I will be on hand for both the early and the late sessions, manning the laptop and LCD projector for the following video elements included in the prayer experience: showing images of people being served by Operation Rice Bowl as their stories are read aloud opening song (video): Hosea – Come Back […]