And a Child Shall Lead Them…

This phrase, of course, is from Isaiah 11:6, and is used from time to time in catechesis with regards to children taking leadership roles. I experimented with this concept on Monday evening by having one of my students lead the guided reflection! This was a big risk for me and I have to admit that I have a very hard time of letting go of things like this because I know how it should be […]

40 Ideas for 40 Days—Lenten Activities: What’s with the Pretzels?

During these 40 days of Lent, I am offering 40 ideas (activities) to help catechists engage young people around the themes and images of this sacred season. Here is your next Lenten activity. What’s with the Pretzels? Ask the children to show a common posture for praying (kneeling or standing with hands folded). Explain that, in the early Church, Christians often prayed with their arms folded across their chests, each hand on the opposite shoulder. […]

Leading Guided Reflections (Meditations)

Catechists often ask me where they can get their hands on guided reflections (meditations) for children, especially after I have introduced them to one of the guided reflections included in the Finding God program that we use at the parish where I’m a catechist. If they are not using the Finding God program, they are wondering where they can get some guided reflections. Good news! Loyola Press has now made a number of guided reflections […]

Teaching the Faith (Paulist Press)

Here’s my quick review of a little booklet for new catechists titled Teaching the Faith: A Catechist’s Guide to Classroom Management by Kim Duty (Paulist Press). This is a handy little guide that gives new catechists an opportunity to become acquainted with the world of classroom management. What I like about it is its “You can do this!” approach to the task of catechesis. In the Introduction, “From Me To You,” Duty offers a heartfelt message […]

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