Advent videos

Making Advent a More Holy Season

I just came across these two videos that provide enrichment for the Advent season. The first video is via Catholic News Service and features youth minister Emily “Em” Anderson (St. James Catholic Church, Falls Church, VA) providing some insights into how to make Advent a more holy season. I especially like her suggestion of praying the Liturgy of the Hours during Advent. httpv:// The second is Bishop Barron’s reflection on Advent as preparation for a […]

Preparing for Advent

Session Ten (11/26/13) – Getting Ready for Advent

Last evening was our scheduled monthly Mass in church which was moved from 6:15 to 6:45 PM to give us one solid block of teaching before Mass (6:00 – 6:40) rather than a brief one before Mass (6:00 – 6:10) and another short segment after Mass (7:10 – 7:30). This worked out very well because Mass still went about an hour but didn’t take away from class time! I don’t think parents minded that the […]

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Intermediate Grades

Praying and Talking About Newtown, CT

Last evening was my first opportunity to be with my 6th graders in the wake of the tragic massacre in Newtown, CT. I came prepared to spend some quality time touching on the subject with them and praying about it. Here is what happened: As I was setting up for class, one young lady arrived early as usual to help me distribute materials. She said, without provocation, “Well, I’m very upset.” I asked her about […]

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Intermediate Grades

Advent Reconciliation

Last evening, I took my 6th graders to church for an Advent Reconciliation service which turned out nicely. Here are some observations: Our DRE, Arlene, has been out tending to her husband who has had some serious health issues (but appears to be on the mend, thank you, Jesus) so we gathered in church with a bit of uncertainty as to how to proceed. Quite understandable, given the circumstances, and quite manageable. The kids’ biggest […]

family praying in church

A Very Prayerful Monday

This past Monday turned out to be a very prayerful evening and a good way to begin Advent with my 6th graders! We met in church for the Advent Prayer Service which I put together a couple of years ago. I love when the bell ringers (hand chimes) call the assembly to order by slowing walking down the aisle and sounding their chimes. It really creates a sense of reverence and all the kids quieted down beautifully. […]

Advent wreath

Tonight’s Session – Advent Prayer Service

This evening’s session will be an Advent Prayer Service in the Church and my guess is that by the time all is said and done, it’ll be at least 45 minutes before we get back to the class room. This, of course, does not leave me with too much time, so instead of trying to cram in a lesson on the Old Testament, I plan to spend the remainder of time focusing on Advent. I […]

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Imagination: Hope’s Prerequisite

One of the lines I miss most from the Mass (in the wake of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal) is “we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” I love the concept of waiting in joyful hope and I believe that is what is at the heart of Advent. This hope is joyful because it’s not just wishful thinking; it is confident hope. We confidently hope in the […]

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An Advent Calendar for Grown Ups

Here is a very helpful Advent/Christmas Calendar that is very appropriate for grown ups…it includes very substantive information and background as well as links to more resources when you click on each day’s link. This comes to us from the Institute for Christian Formation.   Advent/Christmas Calendar: Year of Grace 2013

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action #4 – Dan Ward Explains Roman Missal Changes

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 7th grade catechist Dan Ward talking to his class about Advent and the introduction of the Roman Missal changes. Watch for the following as Dan… directs the young people to open their text books and look at the liturgical calendar talks about Advent as the beginning of the Church’s new year asks the young people about their experience of the changes in the Mass invites a […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Blessings for the Revised Roman Missal

In just a few short weeks, we will begin using the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. I do hope that you’ve taken advantage of the number of resources I’ve made available over these past few months! Here are a few more resources: A 4-page blessing/prayer service outside Mass done by LTP based on the Book of Blessings: Blessing of Missal.    A blessing from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is for use on the First […]