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Lawn Chair Catechism at Featuring A Well Built Faith!

I’m excited and flattered that my book, A Well-Built Faith, has been chosen for’s Lawn Chair Catechism this summer! I’ve had fun working on the promotional materials with them for this endeavor (see left and below!). Here is how they describe the experience: Welcome to the second “Lawn Chair Catechism” at! This is an opportunity for you to kick back while you study along with us. We’ll be using A Well-Built Faith: A […]

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Growing as a Catechist

5th Anniversary Celebration – Guest Blogger #6: Lisa Hendey

Today’s guest blogger hosts one of the most popular blogs in the Catholic blogosphere! Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of and the author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms and The Handbook for Catholic Moms. She hosts the Catholic Moments podcast and actively speaks around the country on faith, family life and social media topics.  In an email to me, Lisa said, “I am not a catechist (and never have […]