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Joe's Comings and Goings

Don't Miss My Article in RTJ!

I had the pleasure of writing an article for the September, 2009, issue of Religion Teacher’s Journal titled “A Beginning-of-the-Year Checklist for Teaching: Prepare For a Successful Year with These Helpful Tips”(page 20) Be sure to pick up a copy.

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What’s Your Catholic IQ?

Since September, 2008, I’ve been writing a column for CATECHIST magazine entitled What’s Your Catholic IQ? It’s been a very enjoyable experience and I’m told it is one of the most popular features in the magazine (it already was before I took over writing the column from Page Zyromski). These quizzes are a fun way for catechists to wrap your own head around the vast treasury of knowledge that the Catholic faith offers us. Likewise, […]

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Quote of the Week

“Catechesis must make it clear that the person of Jesus Christ offers a realistic alternative to immediate gratification and the satisfaction of personal deeds.” (The National Director for Catechesis, 4C)