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Webinar Tonight! Teaching During a Year of Faith
Tonight, (Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 7:00 pm CDT), I’ll be hosting a free Webinar – Teaching During a Year of Faith – to explore how we can more effectively proclaim Jesus Christ to those we are called to teach this year. Be sure to click that link above to find a Note-Taking Sheet in PDF form that you can download for the Webinar! “See you” tonight! Print Friendly
Don't Miss My Article in RTJ!
I had the pleasure of writing an article for the September, 2009, issue of Religion Teacher’s Journal titled “A Beginning-of-the-Year Checklist for Teaching: Prepare For a Successful Year with These Helpful Tips”(page 20) Be sure to pick up a copy. Print Friendly
Year of Faith Retreat – Week 1, Day 4: What Are You Afraid Of?
WEEK ONE: The Creed DAY 4: What Are You Afraid Of? (Sin, Salvation, and the Cross of Jesus) Fear is a natural human condition. The following are considered some of the most common fears. Which do you share? Spiders, snakes, heights, closed spaces, lightning, injections, social situations, flying, germs/dirt, public speaking, darkness It often seems as though we have many things to fear. Perhaps this is why one of the most commonly used phrases in the […]
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