Liturgical Year Family Activities
Liturgical Seasons & Feasts

Liturgical Year Family Activities

The Church’s liturgical year forms us so that we more closely reflect the image of God. Families can facilitate this formation by observing the liturgical calendar and by engaging in family rituals and activities that mark the seasons and feasts of the Church year and remind us of their significance. To help families in observing the liturgical calendar, download our Liturgical Year Family Activities. This resource is full of ideas to draw families more deeply […]

Leading a Parish Program

Helping Parents with Faith Formation at Home

We ended the last catechetical year with many parishes asking parents to work with their children at home on faith formation because of the pandemic. Our hopes were, of course, that we would soon see a return to normalcy and that, come fall, young people and catechists could once again resume in-person sessions of faith formation at the parish. Alas, those hopes have been dashed in many parts of the country where the pandemic lingers […]

Loyola Press Digital Library
Leading a Parish Program

Re-Starting Religious Education This Fall: Loyola Press Digital Resources to Assist Parents and Parishes

As the pandemic continues and with fall right around the corner, parishes are making decisions about how to re-start religious education programs safely and wisely. Among the options being considered are: in-person sessions catechists teaching remote lessons parents teaching lessons at home a hybrid or combination of some of each of the above. The bottom line is parishes are looking for versatility and flexibility when it comes to using quality, approved catechetical resources with families […]

Connecting Generations Choice Board - great companion to "Sharing the Wisdom of Time" book
Family Catechesis

Connecting Generations Choice Board

Encourage connections between generations with our new choice board that invites children to learn about and develop deeper relationships with their elders. Give children choices by asking them to select and complete a set number of activities from the board: three-in-a-row, any four, or whatever number you choose. Activities include options for children to interview their grandparents, write a song, make a chart, and more. Celebrate a loved elder’s birthday, honor Grandparents Day, or mix […]

computer screen illustration
Family Catechesis

Creating an Online Presence in One Week: A Tale of One Chicago Parish

When stay-at-home orders went into effect in mid-March because of the pandemic, many parish religious education programs found themselves facing unimaginable challenges. The main challenge, of course, was how to reach families and children who still had another six weeks of faith formation sessions left in the catechetical year. Many catechetical leaders and catechists all over the country responded with heroic efforts to sustain their programs through virtual contact. One such parish is St. Sylvester, […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Sharing Stories

Pop-Up Catechesis: Sharing Family Stories

Some years before my mom, Veronica, passed away, I videotaped her sharing stories of her life so that we could preserve them. My siblings, children, nieces, and nephews now all have copies of a DVD we call Ronnie’s Story. Family stories are sacred, and they pass along memories, values, and identity. In this episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we explore the value of sharing family stories, especially from the elderly members of our families. For more information […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Family Catechesis

Pop-Up Catechesis: Blessing Your Children and Other Family Rituals

In today’s episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we look at the practice of blessing your children and other family rituals. Ritual actions have a way of conveying the sacred that words alone are incapable of. Children especially love rituals, because they communicate a sense of comfort and security, which can be particularly important during uncertain times such as this COVID-19 crisis. For more information about the power of rituals and especially rituals in the home, see the […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Catechesis: Spending Time in Quiet

In today’s Pop-Up Catechesis episode, we explore the value of spending some time in quiet. During this time of sheltering-at-home, the isolation we are experiencing may tempt us to surround ourselves with noise and stimulation. And while it is good to be engaged in activity, let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is an opportunity to cultivate the practice of encountering God’s presence in the quiet. It is especially important for us to […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Mary and the Saints

Pop-Up Catechesis: Reading Stories of the Saints

In today’s episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we explore the practice of reading stories of the saints to learn how people throughout the ages have put the Gospel into practice in their everyday lives. For more information about the saints, check out the following: Saints Stories for All Ages Calendar of Saints Stories for All Ages Saints Reflections Saints Coloring Sheets Saints Books

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Catechesis: Praying at Mealtime

In today’s episode of Pop-up Catechesis, we look at the notion of eating meals together (rather than in front of the TV) and praying before meals. For more about the importance of sharing family meals, see the following: The Power of Family Meals by Tom McGrath Prayer and the Family Meal: 7 Fresh Ideas for Mealtime Prayer