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Lenten Activities

40/40 – Lenten Activities: Unjust Punishment

This Lenten activity is most appropriate for Holy Week and comes from the grade 5 Finding God catechist guide. Unjust Punishment During the Triduum, we recall that Jesus was falsely arrested, accused, and unjustly convicted and executed. Today there are people in various parts of the world who suffer similar injustice. An organization called Amnesty International (AI) works to promote internationally recognized human rights. AI also regularly produces case studies that have been specifically designed for young […]

boy with magnifying glass
Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days—Lenten Activities: Looking for Clues

This Lenten activity is called Looking for Clues and is an opportunity for catechists to help children become more familiar with the Passion story. Looking for Clues Gather pictures of the following items from the Passion according to Mark (14:1—15:47). a jar (bottle of perfume) (14:3) water jar (14:13) a dish(14:20) bread (14:22) cup (14:23) olive tree (14:26) swords and clubs (14:43) sword (14:47) a fire (14:54) blindfold (14:65) rooster (14:68) rope (they bound him) (15:1) whip (scourging) (15:15) purple robe (15:17) crown of thorns (15:17) a […]

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Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: The 7 Last Words of Christ Scripture Search

Today’s Lenten activity is a Scripture search on the Seven Last Words of Christ. More on that in a second. The Seven Last Words of Christ – A Scripture Search Explain that, before dying, many people speak final words that express their feelings and thoughts at that moment. Invite the young people to identify the speakers of these famous last words (fictional and non-fictional): “Et tu, Brute?”  (Julius Caesar) “I have been and always will be […]