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Stations of the Cross

Living Stations

This past Monday, the 4th graders put on the Living Stations of the Cross and they did a wonderful job. I was very impressed with how prayerful and mature they were…the whole experience was done with great reverence.  Here’s a pic and then an invitation from a catechist named Ron to view their Living Stations in a picture gallery, station-by-station. Thanks Ron! All, Click the link below, if you’d like to see Station-by-Station scenes of […]

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Stations of the Cross

Another Living Stations Script

Here’s another Living Stations script…this one from Sr. Marie who read my post about Living Stations scripts just after she got home from coordinating the Living Stations at her parish! Trooper that she is, she immediately sent this script along. Thanks Sr. Marie! Living Stations Script – Sr Marie

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Stations of the Cross

It’s Time for the Living Stations Again!

Each year, during Lent, the parish school of religion puts on 2 Living Stations of the Cross – one by the 4th graders and one by the 8th graders. Since I’m teaching 4th grade this year, it once again means that many of my students will be involved (in fact, my aide’s son will play the role of Jesus!). Our DRE, Arlene, handles all of the preparations and rehearsals and the rehearsals begin this Monday. What […]

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Creative Moments

The Story of the Cross

Recently, I was asked by the folks at Loyola Press to share a “staff favorite” with regards to LP resources for families with young children. I chose to recommend The Story of the Cross. Here’s my little blurb about this excellent resource. Speaking of the Cross, last evening, the 8th graders put on the Living Stations and did a nice job. Three of my students had roles: the narrator, a Roman centurion, and crowd member. […]

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I Wish You A Blessed Holy Week

The other day, I drove past a Protestant church whose marquee read “He is Risen!” I joked with my wife that “they’re a week early!” And yet, of course, we know that Jesus is Risen. As we proceed through this Holy Week, we reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus through the lens of the Resurrection. We don’t pretend this week that we don’t know how the story ends. Good Friday is not a wake service for […]

Stations of the Cross
Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Stations of the Cross Tableaus

On we go to our next Lenten activity! Stations of the Cross Tableaus Many of us catechists do not have the time or resources to “produce” an entire Living Stations of the Cross. This idea – Stations of the Cross Tableaus – is designed for those of us with very limited time and resources. Instead of organizing an entire production, organize the young people intro groups and have them prepare “tableaus” (a representation of a scene – […]

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Stations of the Cross

Another Living Stations of the Cross Script

I have another Living Stations of the Cross script to share with you. This one is from the parish where I serve as a catechist – Most Holy Redeemer, Evergreen Park, IL. The script comes to us from the DRE, Arlene, who does a wonderful job of pulling this together every Lent. living-stations-arlene-a Have a great weekend!

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Stations of the Cross

Living Stations of the Cross – Scripts

I’ve put out a request for scripts/outlines for the Living Stations of the Cross for Lent and so far have received 3 samples. Thanks! I’m only passing along 2 of them at the moment, as the third was not really a living stations. Remember, if you have a script or outline for the Living Stations of the Cross, please attach it (as a Word file or PDF) to an email and send it to me […]

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Lent is Just Around the Corner – Living Stations, Anyone?

Lent is just around the corner (Ash Wednesday is February 25, 2009) and catechists are looking for lenten ideas and activities to mark the season. I have 2 very special plans for this blog: First, I am collecting scripts for the Living Stations of the Cross to make available to you through my blog. Many parishes involve their young people in the Living Stations of the Cross and write their own scripts that they develop […]