Praying Through Pain: A Webinar with Barbara Lee (pictured)
Ignatian Spirituality

Praying Through Pain Webinar with Barbara Lee

Pain is an unavoidable part of life, and the Gospel does not promise avoidance of pain but rather, a way through it. As catechists, we are inviting those we teach to enter into the Paschal Mystery, which is a journey through the pain, suffering, and Death of Jesus Christ that leads to new life in his Resurrection. It is a journey through pain to new life! With that in mind, I invite you to join […]

Pop-Up Prayer hosted by Joe Paprocki
Liturgy and Sacraments

Pop-Up Prayer: Guest Todd Williamson

We continue our series, Pop-Up Prayer—brief interviews on the topic of prayer with prominent people in pastoral ministry and spiritual authors. In this episode, Todd Williamson talks about understanding the nature of communal prayer. Todd is the Director of the Office for Divine Worship for the Archdiocese of Chicago (a position he has held for 22 years!). He is also a speaker, author, and liturgist whose ministerial experience includes teaching and parish pastoral ministry. Be sure […]

Pop-Up Prayer hosted by Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Prayer: Guest Bob Burnham

In this episode of Pop-Up Prayer, Bob Burnham talks about there being no right way or wrong way to pray, just “your” way. Bob is a Secular Franciscan, spiritual director, catechist, popular speaker, Loyola Press editor, and the author of two wonderful books, Little Lessons from the Saints and Little Lessons from the Mystics.

Pop-Up Prayer hosted by Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Prayer: Guest Vinita Hampton Wright

In this episode of Pop-Up Prayer, Vinita Hampton Wright talks about the role of emotions in prayer. Vinita is a spiritual director, retreat leader, author, and an editor for over 32 years. Her books include Small Simple Ways, Days of Deepening Friendship, and Simple Acts of Moving Forward.

Pop-Up Prayer hosted by Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Prayer: Guest Tom Quinlan

We continue our summer series, Pop-Up Prayer—brief interviews on the topic of prayer with prominent people in pastoral ministry from all over the country! In this episode, Tom Quinlan talks about the need to create a disposition of receptivity when it comes to our personal prayer. Tom is Ministry Director at the St. Joseph Educational Center for the Diocese of Des Moines, IA, and the author of Excellence in Ministry. Be sure to check out the many […]

Trinity - art © Loyola Press. All Rights Reserved.
Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Praying with the Trinity

The Trinity is a beautiful mystery that cannot be fully explained or understood through human language, which makes it a challenge to communicate to children when we rely on words in our catechesis. The early Christians came to know God as trinitarian through their lived experiences of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We can help children to identify their own experiences of the Persons of the Trinity and therefore come to a […]

6 Keys to a More Evangelizing Catechesis - text with mosaic tiles surrounding it
Being a Catechist

Six Keys to a More Evangelizing Catechesis: Spirituality and Prayer

We continue exploring six keys to making our faith formation experiences more evangelizing by looking at the importance of spirituality and prayer. It is my contention that too many of us have grown up with a notion of God as a powerful, angry being who is to be feared—much as Dorothy and her companions trembled as they approached the Wizard in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, to ask for a favor. Or, we […]

Sharing the Wisdom: What I Learned from an Elder
Sharing Stories

Sharing the Wisdom: Lessons from Mom on War, Peace, and Prayer

Twelve-inch painted ceramic statues of Jesus and Mary are permanent fixtures on the bedside table of my mother, Caridad Ragasa. The painted-on hair, cheeks, and hands are partially worn off, evidence of my mother’s daily caresses. As a child, I witnessed her kneel before the statues in prayer every morning and evening. I marveled at her persistent daily devotion, which for years I never fully understood. Finally, as a teen I asked, “Mom, when did […]