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More on the “Coach Approach”

The other day, I posted on the parallels between coaching and serving as a catechist. That stirred up the following conversation between a DRE and one of her catechists who is indeed also a coach. Enjoy!   Hi Joe!  In response to your latest Catechist’s Journey email, I asked one of my catechists if he saw a connection between coaching and being a catechist.  Scott coaches basketball and then “cleans up” and comes to teach […]

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Creative Moments

More About Art in Catechesis

The other day, I posted about the role of art in catechesis. I’ve received a few passionate responses (and I mean that with the most respect) that I want to share with you (I added some links). Thanks for the great conversation! Greetings Joe!  I disagree that “Catholic Art” has been pushed by the wayside…you just have to look for it and more importantly, when working with children, create an environment that supports their artistic efforts. […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Picture This!

I don’t post photos of my class here on my blog but my class is pictured in the latest newsletter (pg. 2) of the School of Religion on the Most Holy Redeemer Parish Website. Take a look at the happy faces! Also, take note of the very nice newsletter that the program secretary, Lilian Trasko, puts out (electronically) each month! February Newsletter P.S. I’m flattered that they also included one of my articles on the Roman Missal […]