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Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey – Not Bad, If I May Say So Myself!

The Holy Spirit accomplishes some wonderful things through our efforts as catechists! So, as we share success stories, keep in mind that we are not bragging about ourselves but are giving praise to the Holy Spirit! With that in mind, let’s spend the rest of this week sharing stories based on the theme of “Not Bad, If I May Say So Myself!” Share a brief story (in the Comments box below) – just one or two paragraphs […]

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Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey – “I Owe it all to…”

Welcome back to Stories on the Journey, our summer experience of sharing stories about the ups and downs and ins and outs of being a catechist. So far, we’ve shared stories on the following topics: Week One: How Did I Get Into This? Week Two: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things  Week Three: Touching the Sacred  Week Four: Oopsies! I Goofed Our topic for this week is, “I owe it all to…” which means that we […]

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Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey, Week Four: “Oopsies! I Goofed”

Welcome to Week Four of Stories on the Journey! Thanks for all of the great stories you’ve shared so far! Betty from Arizona sums it up pretty well: Thanks for sharing these inspiring stories that keep me motivated to continue facilitating adult religious education at my parish! In case you missed the stories, here they are: Week One: How Did I Get Into This? Week Two: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things  Week Three: Touching the […]

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Being a Catechist

Week Three of Stories on the Journey – Touching the Sacred

I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful stories you’ve been sending in for Stories on the Journey, our summer renewal experience here on Catechist’s Journey! If you’ve just joined us, take a look: Week One: How Did I Get Into This? Week Two: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things Now, it’s on to Week Three and our topic is: Touching the Sacred – describe a time when you really and truly felt the presence of God […]

stories from the field
Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey Week 2: Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things

Welcome to Week 2 of Stories on the Journey, as we continue to share stories about our experiences in the catechetical ministry. This week’s topic is, “Kids (adults too) Say/Do the Darndest Things!” Let’s hear about those unforgettable moments when one of your students (whether a child or an adult) said or did something that cracked you up, made you smile, or simply blew your mind! Share your story by typing in the comment box […]

stories from the field
Being a Catechist

Stories on the Journey: How Did I Get Into This?

Now that the summer months are upon us, I thought it would be good to do something a little different that will serve to refresh us and get us ready for the upcoming year. I call it STORIES ON THE JOURNEY. I thought it would be a lot of fun (and inspiring) to share stories of our experiences as catechists: the joys, frustrations, hilarious moments, sacred moments, challenges, opportunities, successes, not-so-successful moments, creative moments, mentors […]

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Sharing Stories

Telling Stories on the Journey

Last evening, at our end-of-the-year catechist meeting, my favorite part was when our DRE, Arlene, invited catechists to share stories of highlights or “Aha!” moments from this past year. It was very heart-warming to hear people sharing stories of how they connected with the kids they taught in the past year. One catechist, in particular, talked about how he made a prayer box for his 7th graders and invited the kids to write prayer intentions […]