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Liturgy and Sacraments

A Good Vocation Video

I began my career in ministry back in 1981, teaching in a high-school seminary in Chicago. It was always my quest to find a good video on priestly vocations to show to the young men in my classes; however the options were usually slim. Since that time, there have been a number of videos produced on the topic of priestly vocations—some better than others—but they still tend to exhibit one of the following shortcomings: They […]

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Technology in Catechesis

Skyping with a Seminarian

As I work through my third-grade religion curriculum each year, I always try to add something extra to help make class memorable for my students. For the past two years, during Vocation Awareness Week, I’ve added a Skype session to our class time. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has chosen the first full week of November as Vocation Awareness Week. This year it falls on November 2–8. I found that introducing my students […]

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations

This Sunday, May 11, is World Day of Prayer for Vocations which coincides with the 4th Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday. Here is a link to the Web site for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations: http://www.worlddayofprayerforvocations.com/ Likewise, here is a link to the USCCB Web site with further links to resources such as prayers for vocations and the message of the Holy Father. http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/vocations/world-day-of-prayer-for-vocations.cfm Let us pray that God will call […]