I love the Opening Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Lent:
“God our Father, your Word Jesus Christ, spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death he endured. TEACH US, THE PEOPLE WHO BEAR HIS NAME, TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE HE GAVE US: may our faith, hope, and charity turn hatred to love, conflict to peace, death to eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The words in bold are so appropriate for us as catechists. In Baptism, we bear Christ’s name and we long to be taught by God to live up to that name. We, in turn, strive to teach others, who bear Christ’s name in Baptism, to follow the example Christ gave us. We strive to teach our students to live in faith, hope, and charity so that these virtues may turn hatred to love, conflict to peace, and death to eternal life.
May God give us the grace to do this each time we teach.