I look forward to a couple of opportunities to work as a team with the other 8th grade catechists.
First, this Monday, we will show the Church History timeline Powerpoint to the other 3 classes that have not seen it. My class will be run by Kris, my aide, and the other 3 classes will gather together in one room for the presentation. We will divide up the periods of church history so that each of the 4 catechists present will have an opportunity to teach to the large group. It will be a great opportunity to see other catechists in action.
Second, we are preparing for our first Confirmation Intensive in December when the kids will be with us for 2 hours. We have planned a series of mini-sessions that night meaning that the kids will rotate through all 4 catechists for 20-minute sessions on some aspect of Confirmation. It’ll be great for the kids to encounter 4 adult witnesses in one evening and it should make the 2 hours fly by!
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