Here’s a pic of about 100 happy catechists and DREs in Columbia, South Carolina, proudly waving their Bibles on Saturday! I enjoyed a wonderful day with them as we focused on the Catholic approach to Scripture…something that is much needed in the Bible Belt! Thanks to all the good folks who extended their always-warm Southern hospitality!
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Hi Joe, I was at the AWESOME Presentation in Columbia SC. and asked about the DVD of some of your Presentations. I will be emailing you to buy one probably in a few weeks, but just wanted to say that you provoked such a great amount of thought I will be reading and re-reading the books my DRE purchased when we were there. Thank you, Ryckie Watkins, Charleston, SC
Thanks so much, Ryckie! I had a wonderful time in Columbia, SC, and I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality! I look forward to hearing from you about the DVD we spoke of.