I had the honor and privilege of doing the keynote presentation today with my friend Fr. Dom Grassi at the Chicago Catechetical Conference held at the Donald Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont! Our topic was “Living the Mass: How We Go Forth Rejoicing FROM the House of the Lord.” Of course, Fr. Dom and I drew heavily from our book, Living the Mass: How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to meet so many new faces as well! Thanks to the good folks of the Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry, where I once happily worked in a previous life, for the great job of organizing the event and for inviting Fr. Dom and me to do the presentation. We had a lot of fun and certainly hope that folks found it enriching. Now it’s off to Hartford, CT, for a keynote presentation and workshop there tomorrow! Have a great weekend!
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