I see that soon, my blog will record its 4000th comment…that is, if y’all continue adding comments as you have been so generously doing over the years! I’ll send a free copy of my new book, Practice Make Catholic, to the reader who contributes the 4000th comment. Good luck!
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Wow, Joe, two great milestones here! Congrats on the (nearly) 4,000th comment and the new book! Keep up the great work here and God bless.
Thanks Jared…always good to hear from you!
Joe, This looks like a great book! As someone who is learning a lot right now, I look forward to reading it and finding some new ways to put what I’m learning into practice. Thanks for everything you do to help others along this journey!
Thanks Francine…we’re all priveleged to walk this journey together, aren’t we?
Sounds wonderful – as usual. Will it also be translated into Spanish?
Pat, I hope so but those decisions are out of my hands. Don’t hesitate to share your opinion with Customer Service at Loyola Press and they’ll pass it on to the decision-makers.
I get so much out of your blog! It is a blessing to have you to refer to. Right now my confirmation class teacher is using the Bible Blueprint to teach the kids to use the Bible that we give them as a gift at confirmation.
Thanks so much.
Anne, so cool to hear that confirmation kids are using the Bible Blueprint to get to know the Bible better!
Congratulations on 4000 comments! Of course its easy to see why, your amazing and so is Catechist Journey. You help me each week in my six grade Faith Formation class.
Dusty Maiolo
My pleasure, Dusty!
Excited about your new book, Joe. Sounds like just what we need at our parish! Can’t wait to take a look at it! God bless!
Thanks, Connie…I’m excited about it coming out…just a few weeks now!
I’d rather win a free retreat….I need to get away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be nice, eh Rick?
I really like your blogs. I have been a teacher for 30 years but I only recently had to remeber how to teach religion classes for the first time in about 25 years and this year I also added PRE/CCD classes to my Catechist resume. Several times a year I borrow your ideas for my own classroom. There is never enough time for planning so it helps quite a bit.
I sure enjoy getting your updates on the road. Thank you for all you share and congrats on your milestone blog thing ;o). Also, good wishes on the sale of your new book.
Ireally enjoyed reading your updates, and your replies.It is very informative and educational to those who are involved in the catechist journey towards our Catholic faith. You are doing ordinary job in an extra ordinary way. Congratulations Joe, and More Power.
Love your blog, maybe I’ll get to be the lucky 4000th comment! Thanks Joe!
Thank’s soo much for the updated Lenten 40 crosses calendar and thank’s to you and all who helped put the recent webinar together.
Great Job! Cant Wait to read you new book! I Love A Well- Built Faith. We received it in out RCIA classes! Thanks Joe!
Thanks, Mary!