Thanks to all the good folks – catechetical leaders, youth ministers, RCIA and AFF coordinators, etc – who invited me to spend the day with them in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, March 3. We enjoyed a great experience of exploring ways to provide formation for our catechists. Thanks especially to John Gaffney, the Director of the Department of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Des Moines, for making this event possible. Thanks folks…I enjoyed my visit immensely! Here are a few pics of their smiling, happy faces followed by one of me doing my thing.
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hi is it possible if you could post some of these ideas
As they say, Ally, I have to be careful not to “give away the store!” I’ll send you an email with one of the ideas (hanouts) attached.
Hi Joe, is the Iowa seminar similar to what you’ll be conducting in MN in September 2011? The buzz is generating! The deaneries are starting to get the word out. Thanks much! Karen
Yes, Karen, similar topic