Surprise! Diocesan Directors Congratulate Joe on his 5th Anniversary

Unbeknownst to Joe, we here at Loyola Press asked a few DREs to shoot videos congratulating Joe on his 5th anniversary, and discuss what Catechist’s Journey has meant to them over the course of 5 years. Here’s what David O’Brien and Jonathan Sullivan had to say… [click here if you’re unable to view]

What would you say to Joe in a video? Leave a comment below and tell us. It’ll be sure to make him smile!


Joe Paprocki – Catechist’s Journey Anniversary Congratulations from Jonathan Sullivan on Vimeo.


  1. Wow! David and Jonathan, you’re video comments were a delightful surprise and mean a great deal to me! Thanks for the congrats and all the good wishes and compliments. I’ve enjoyed working with both of you on the occasions we’ve had to work together and I admire the work both of you are doing. Jonathan, just remember you’re talking to a guy from the southside of Chicago, which, as Jim Croce reminded us, is the “baddest part of town!” 🙂

  2. Congragulation Joe! This Web-site,along with the 3 out of 4 books you’ve written that I have, have helped me more than words can say! This is my first year as a Catechist of the 3 rd grade and before this I was involved in RCIA. I was very scared to be around children that young but along with your web-site I have not only enjoyed it tremendously; but I have taken BFCL, (Basic Formation for Catechtical Leadership) and hope to work towards that in the future.

    Again, thanks for all your help!

  3. Hi, Joe,
    I’ve been following you for almost all of those five years
    and I can’t begin to tell you how much a help you have been
    to me. My only disappointment is that I never got the opportunity
    to attend one of your gatherings or meet you in person. So many
    of your ideas have given me inspiration to make my lessons more
    interesting and fun for my students. I am hoping you don’t give up
    yet but at any rate, I hope the web-site and all it’s gems remains
    available. Congratulations for a job well done!

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