In this final installment of Catechists in Action featuring Dan Ward, Dan reflects on what he was hoping to be his “breakout year” as a catechist. Listen as Dan reflects on…
- what he means by having a “breakout year.”
- his frustrations that have prevented him from doing so.
- the fact that now he no longer “beats himself up” when things don’t go as he had hoped.
- his plan to have a Mass in the classroom and have the kids prepare the whole liturgy
When was your “breakout year” as a catechist? If you haven’t had a “breakout year” yet, what do you want that “breakout” to look like?
My third year catechizing 6th graders was my breakout year (that’s an interesting and useful term). That was when I first had a comprehensive vision of how to use the catechetical year to teach the kids, without being particularly tethered to the textbook. Before that, the textbook was running the class more than I was.