As many of you know, Pope Benedict XVI announced that the Church will celebrate a Year of Faith beginning this October, 2012, through November, 2013. Recently, I had a little time to wrap my head around the guidelines for this upcoming event and I’ve written a very brief summary of what the Year of Faith is all about. I thought this might be helpful to you in the months to come. Enjoy.
What is the YEAR OF FAITH?
“We cannot accept that salt should become tasteless or the light be kept hidden.”
Pope Benedict XVI – Porta Fidei, Apostolic Letter for the Indiction of the Year of Faith
Pope Benedict XVI announced that the Church will celebrate a Year of Faith
- beginning on October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- and ending on November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King (Christ the King).
Both of these events (Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church) are significant moments in the faith life of Catholics. Likewise, the opening of the Year of Faith will coincide with the next General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to be held in October, 2012, with the theme of The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith.
The Year of Faith is designed to renew the faith of Catholics so that we will be credible, joy-filled witnesses to the Risen Lord in the world today, capable of leading others to faith.
The goal of the Year of Faith is to foster:
- an encounter with Christ (which is the foundation of our faith) through authentic witnesses to faith,
- a deeper understanding of the truths of our faith that Jesus revealed
At the universal level of the Church, the faithful are encouraged to:
- participate in pilgrimages to sacred sites closely tied to our faith such as Rome, the Holy Land and Marian sites
- participate in conferences that encourage encounters with authentic witnesses to faith and promote understanding of the contents of faith
- deepen our knowledge of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- support and participate in ecumenical initiatives
At the national level, Episcopal Conferences are encouraged to:
- promote focus on the faith and the significance (and relevance) of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and dedicate days of study to the themes, documents, and resources related to these two significant moments in the life of the Church
- promote knowledge of the saints as authentic witnesses of faith and promote the relationship between faith and sacred art
- develop resources for apologetics and ensure that catechetical materials are in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- re-examine priestly formation in light of the spirit and teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
At the diocesan level, bishops are encouraged to:
- mark the opening and conclusion of the Year of Faith with special celebrations, issue a pastoral letter on the significance (and relevance) of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and organize catechetical study days throughout the year on the themes, documents, and resources related to these two significant moments in the life of the Church.
- review how the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church have been received and implemented in the local Church
- organize penitential celebrations asking for forgiveness for sins against the faith (with an emphasis on approaching the Sacrament of Penance with more faith and frequency)
- promote encounters with non-believers who are seekers of truth
At the local level, parishes are encouraged to:
- read, reflect on, and discuss the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter on the Year of Faith Porta Fidei
- intensify celebration of the faith especially in our celebration of the Eucharist
- devote greater attention to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (through homilies, days of study, greater accessibility to resources related to these two significant moments in the life of the Church)
- help catechists to hold more firmly to the doctrinal richness of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and make resources related to the CCC more available to the domestic church (families)
- organize parish missions designed to renew commitment to giving witness to our faith
- renew our personal efforts to communicate our experience of faith to others
Every initiative for the Year of Faith should be designed to aid in the joyous rediscovery of the faith and its renewed transmission.
Thank you for this great summary. It is very helpful!
Hi Joe,
You always provide such good articles for us. Thank you for an excellent summary. However, I must point out that it is the 20th (not 25th) anniversary of the Catechism. Don’t want our colleagues to spread an incorrect message.
In Christ’s peace & joy,
Mary-Ann Houser
Good catch, Mary-Ann! Thanks.
Thank you! This will be very helpful
Great summary, Joe! I just piggy-backed a post on how parishes (and dioceses) can plan for the major themes off of this. Thanks for making it easier to understand.
This is excellent, Joyce, thank you!
Dear Joe,
Thank you for this summary!
I will use it for the upcoming workshops
for our parish organisations
preparing them for the Year of Faith!
Fr.Ozy Gonsalves SJ
You’re welcome, Fr. Ozy…glad I can assist a Jesuit colleague in India!
I have been looking for an organized “how to” tool to help me get started. Thanks!
We have whole parish faith formation and this has helped me put together the themes for our monthly sessions – now on to the presenters and collecting materials.
Thank you for the great explanation.
Thank you for the summary. I will encourage my student to show their faith by every time they pass in front of a church make a genuflection and bless themselves to keep the light lit
Thank you very much for that splendid article.
Thank you so much, Joe. Our Adult Faith Formation Committee is in the process of planning events for the coming year and this will definitely help us focus and select relevant offerings for our parish members including others as well as Catechists.
Dear Joe Paprocki,
I have been reading your post on Porta Fidei and i must say that you have really gave the epitome of the letter.
There are some clarifications that i would like to get from you.What does the Pope mean when he encouraged readings and understanding the documents of Vatican II.?
God bless
Hi Nick. As a result of the Second Vatican Council, many important Church documents were produced by the bishops: the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the Church in the Modern World, and so on. These documents articulate the vision of the Second Vatican Council. It is through reading and reflecting on these documents that we come to understand the vision that the Council Fathers had for the Church. You can find these documents on the Vatican Web site at
I have copied several documents in this blog for the catechists in our parish. I believe these materials are very helpful in their catechetical ministry and to all Catholics and those seeking the REAL CHURCH and FAITH… Thank you. May we all be filled with GRACE as we journey towards our REAL HOME.
Joe, are you considering publishing “Practice MAkes Catholic” in Spanish?
Hi Patti. I would love to have that book in Spanish but it is not up to me…that’s a company decision. I encourage you to contact Customer Sales at Loyola Press and tell them that this is something that you would like to see.
Thanks Joe. I will do that!
January 2, 2013
Thank you so much for the information. This would serve as our guide for making the Year of Faith celebration more meaningful and colorful.
Thanks for this info! i am supposed to teach a group of students catechists in our school here and this has really been helpful.
Eyrah Foli nSJ
Loyola Jesuit College
Abuja – Nigeria
Glad I can be of help!
Thanks for the sharing, it is a great help for me,