As promised, the recording of the Teaching During a Year of Faith Webinar is now available! Thanks to the fast work of my colleagues Nick Yonto and Rosemary Lane, the recording was made available in record time! After today’s post, this recording will be archived above under the Webinars Tab along with all of my other archived Webinars. Enjoy and spread the word!
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Thank you for making this available so quickly. Computer problems kept me from tuning in on Tuesday. Your webinars always trigger new ideas for me and fill me with enthusiasm for the year ahead. Thank you, Joe
Great, Kate. May those new ideas start flyin’!
I was not able to listen the webinar since my time zone here in Middle East is different. I was not able to change the time zone.
thanks for uploading this. It will be a treasure to listen and share this even to our parish priest.
Thank you.
Malou, so glad I can be a resource to you and your pastor!
is there a way I can hear part of the recording, then finish later? I tried to skip ahead, but then the sound disappeared.
Stephanie, you should be able to skip about as you wish however your computer may lack capacity to do that.
I found them easier to find on you tube… thanks..
I passed this recording on to my catechists. It is a clear, helpful presentation. Thanks to Loyola Press and you for making it available to all.
Thanks Frank! Glad I can be a resource.
Thanks for the webinar it was helpful and the valuable resources.
You are doing a great service.
Thanks, Jennifer!
Thank you Joe for making this webinar available. I plan on using it with our Catechists on Sunday.
I could not find the PDF’s though. Help please!!
Hi Sandy and thanks! Here’s a link to the PDFs: