I mentioned in my previous post that I am working on Bible Learning Stations for next week’s session. Here is a sneak peek of the newly completed first learning station: The Pentateuch. In addition to the Pentateuch display board, there is a fill-in sheet for the students to complete and a bookmark for them to place in their Bible to mark off the Pentateuch. More to come!
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i love your learning tools and i have applied my classroom covenant in my first class. now the bible assignment and bible learning tools i need to introduce to them. wow, now its gets more interesting.
Since i am handling grade 5 students focusing on the sacraments, can you give me some learning handouts or tools to give so they can easily identify each sacraments.
our parish is now conducting virtual learning online study for all catechist and i really love this faith update.
i will be traveling in Rome for the canonization of our dear blessed calunsod who was also a young filipino catechist in Oct 18. it is a great privilege and i am so glad to witness the occasion. Thanks a lot
Hi Malou, I did some learning stations on the sacraments of initiation a few years back. Take a look:https://catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/2010/12/07/success-with-learning-stations-sacraments-of-initiation/