Here’s the next installment of a summary of this past Monday’s session on Abraham and God’s plan for salvation.
- After we finished reviewing the stories from the previous week and answering gobs of questions, we then talked about how all of these stories describe how God created us to live with him but then human kind sinned and distanced ourselves from God. I said that, “Today, we’re going to see how God revealed a plan to bring us back to him and that plan began with a man whose name began with an A” (after one student yelled out “Abel!”, another correctly answered “Abraham!”
- I then asked, “If God’s plan of salvation begins with Abraham, who does it culminate with?” Jesus, of course, was the answer.
Current events then allowed me to emphasize this point. I showed a picture I downloaded from the Internet of the last pitch of the World Series from Sunday night. Right behind home plate is a fan with a big yellow sign with “Jn 3:16” on it. We had talked about this quote earlier and the kids were fascinated to see it at a major sporting event. I said aloud the quote (one of the few lines I actually have memorized!) and explained that this line tells us that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan…a plan that began with Abraham thousands of years ago.
This served as a nice entry into our work for the night and made a connection with the present day.
[picture from Brian Talbot via Compfight]
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