End of the Year Assessment

Writing ExamsThis coming Monday, I will do a formal assessment to see to what extent my 6th graders have grasped the BIG ideas I attempted to teach them this year in religious education!

First, we will do a Jeopardy-like review using a Powerpoint version of the game that I found online a couple of years ago. You can manipulate this according to your own needs, changing categories, questions, and answers and hyperlinking from the “game board” to the slides with those questions and answers! Very cool!

Jeopardy -Like Review for 6th grade – 2013

I will tell the young people to take good notes throughout the game since everything they need to know for the assessment will be covered in the game. Then, I intend to let them use those notes to take the assessment. Here is the assessment and the answer key:

Gr 6 Final Assessment

Gr 6 Final Assessment Answer Key

I look forward to the review game and then to seeing how well the students do on the assessment!

[photo courtesy of  ccarlstead via Compfight]

About Joe Paprocki 2736 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at www.catechistsjourney.com.


  1. I know this is a little off path here but you were talking about your year-end assessment for “6th” grade. I have followed you for many years now and was wondering if you will ever go back to the lower grades. I really enjoyed the year you taught 4th grade because that was the grade I was teaching at the time. As always your ideas and presentation of the materials were great. I learned so much from you that year. So again any chance you might lower your grade choice and give us elementary catechists some more of your wisdom?

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