Keeping Up Your Spirits

joyful catechist and student

Hopefully, the dust has settled and all your programs are up and running. I don’t know about you, but I always breathe a sigh of relief about the fourth or fifth week of classes. By then, the latecomers are in classes, the new catechists are feeling a bit more comfortable, and we are all into the rhythm of faith formation. That being said, I also love the energy and excitement that comes with new beginnings.

It’s those moments of energy and excitement that I recall when things slip into monotony. I once heard the story of a DRE who would have a calendar next to her desk; she would check off each week in expectation of the end of classes. What an unfortunate attitude, and how sad for all those in her program.

Too much emphasis on the end makes it difficult to see all those “God moments” that occur throughout the year. We need to look for them, whether they are a conversation with a struggling parent, or the joy on the heart of a new catechist when she realizes that her students are integrating her lessons into their daily living. I work hard at remembering these moments too, since they lift my spirits and brighten my day (or week)!

Friends, it’s important to keep our spirits up and our enthusiasm high. We are so blessed to serve God in the ways that we do, and no matter what our struggles may be, grace abounds all around us. Sometime this week, take a break and think of an experience of grace that you had recently, and give God thanks for it.

The Catechist Preparation pages in Finding God include the 3-Minute Retreat, a moment of prayer that helps you recognize “God moments.”

About Paul Gallagher 18 Articles
Paul Gallagher is an Educational Consultant at Loyola Press. Previously, he was the DRE at St. John Catholic Church in Westminster, MD, for over 10 years. Deeply rooted in Ignatian spirituality, Paul blogs about transformation and taking care of ourselves, body, mind, and spirit at


  1. Amen, Paul! Each moment is an opportunity to be a messenger of the Good News and a recipient of the message as well. We need only keep our hearts, minds and souls open, and live in HOPE!

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