A Catechist’s Summer Prayer

Catechist's Summer Prayer - text over silhouetted woman praying

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come to you at the end of another year of faith formation. Thank you for all of the good this year:

For the students you brought to my classroom, their laughter and participation and sharing.
For my growth this year as a catechist and as a Catholic Christian developing her own faith.

I ask blessings upon all of us as we go forth to summer break:

For my fellow catechists and the catechetical leader, that they may be refreshed and restored through the gift of time away from religion sessions.
For the families we serve, that they may recognize your presence in all the experiences the next few months bring.
For the young people to be open to prayerful conversations with you now and always.

Help me to find your grace in the not-so-good memories from the year, the times when I didn’t live up to my call by losing my patience or not being as well prepared as I should have been, or the times when a lesson I worked really hard to prepare fell flat in front of the young people.

Show me how I might use the time away from the classroom to grow in love for you and for others. Open my eyes to opportunities to serve you in new ways. Let me take advantage of growth options, experiences that encourage fresh ideas, and ways to pray that the change in schedule or even the weather allow, such as time for prayer walks outdoors or reading a new book that deepens my relationship with you and those closest to me.

And after this time of rest, let me gather with my fellow catechists in the autumn ready to follow your Spirit and your example of being a loving presence to all we encounter through this ministry. Renewed by time off, may all catechists walk forward in the light to serve the families who already come to us and be welcoming to those who are new or are uncertain whether they want to take steps forward in our programs.

With all catechists who give of their time and themselves, I come in gratitude to the end of another year. May I look forward in hope to future opportunities to share your great love with those I meet.

For all this I pray.

Please, add your own intentions for the summer break in the comments section.

About Denise Gorss 115 Articles
Denise Gorss is a catechist with more than 20 years experience, mostly in junior high. She appreciates the gifts of Ignatian spirituality and likes sharing various types of prayer with the young people in her groups. She enjoys seeing the world on pilgrimages and lives in the Chicago area, where she works as Web Editor at Loyola Press.

1 Comment

  1. My parents and students were great. And when my Students made their 1st.Holy Communion. All I keep thinking of the 1st year they came to me. And how much they grow up in there faith. I am a little happy and sad that I have to let them go.

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