I’m very excited to be partnering once again with my friend and collaborator Julianne Stanz, from the Diocese of Green Bay, to offer a timely and engaging webinar:
Re-Igniting the Post-Pandemic Church: Whatever You Do, Don’t Return to “Normal”!
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
1:30–3:30 p.m. Central
Twenty years from now, what will people say about this time in history and how we responded as a Church? While we all long for some semblance of “normalcy,” the post-pandemic parish has an opportunity to create an exciting “new normal” for the communities they serve. First and foremost, we must commit to no more business-as-usual. We must be committed to our mission to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). For parish staffs that roll up their sleeves and strategize creative ways to invite people to encounter Jesus Christ, the post-pandemic period can be a new Pentecost. Join us as we lay out a vision for this new Pentecost and identify processes and strategies for making it a reality.
I missed the June 16 webinar. Is a recording of it available on demand?
You can find the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/OQTKBTuY6oA?rel=0&fbclid=IwAR1Yk8lItzbGj56JsWQB626b3bYzlyEqWoPu5FQDiXOVt0fsGgvEyyMt1yI