At the beginning of Mass, the priest greets the assembly and says, “Brothers and Sisters, let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate these sacred mysteries.” Children are especially intrigued by mysteries! When my kids were of grade-school age and got together with their same-aged cousins, they eagerly put their heads together to solve mysteries as they played their own version of the TV show Ghostwriter. Of course, the key to solving those mysteries was knowing how to find and interpret clues.
While we don’t solve the “sacred mysteries” of the Mass, we can enter into them more deeply when we follow the clues about what is happening in the Mass. Now, there is a new book to help children follow Seven Clues that lead to a deeper understanding of the Mass. Written by Scott Hahn and children’s author Maura Roan McKeegan—with beautiful illustrations by renowned artist Mercè Tous—Seven Clues will help children to explore what the words, signs, and symbols of the Church reveal about the life and Resurrection of Jesus and lead to a deeper understanding of “these sacred mysteries.”
Catechists will be pleased to know that Seven Clues comes with free downloadable activities to enrich the experience of reading the book.
I Just want to thank you for all you do for the Catholic Faith.
God Bless